| - Nevanna is a druid who is one of Brightoak's best warriors. In her earlier life, Nevanna was a young peacekeeper who braved the harshest environments to keep Brightoak safe from the destructive influence of Chaos. One day, she found the Faerie Dragon Rivensylth's egg whose ancestors crafted the Celestial Horn of Balance (an item that protected the World Tree and Brightoak from the poisonous taint). She was fleeing a group of Tainted Earths working for the Queen of Monsters and dropped off a tree's branch to escape them which was where Aven Greywhorl caught her with his vines. She implored for Aven to pull her up. Unfortunately, something attacked the vines and cut them causing her and Rivensylth's egg to fall to the ground. The egg was found and kept safe by the forest goblins while an unconscious Nevanna was contained by the Queen's Hunter and the rest of the Queen's servants. The Queen of Monsters saw corruption within even the purest of people, including her. Thus, the Queen of Monsters corrupted her into becoming one of her generals. Many years later, a corrupted Nevanna led the attack on the World Tree and her soldiers stole the Celestial Horn of Balance causing Ravinos Brightglade's healing powers to start poisoning the people further instead as well as causing the toxins to start seeping into both the World Tree and the Mana Core. It was this action that led the residents to call the players for help. As the players began their search for Rivensylth's egg, Nevanna gave commands to her soldiers to hunt for the egg as well. Her commander Avada found and contained the egg until the heroes came and defeated her after which the Faerie Dragon Maevath hatched from the egg to stop the fighting. When Aven and the players went into the Elfhame Guardian's mouth to reclaim the Celestial Horn of Balance, Nevanna attacked and killed Aven in order to prevent them from recovering the Celestial Horn of Balance. The players called her out for her murder of her own former partner and vowed to make her pay for what she had done. Navenna mocked them believing that their and Ravinos' efforts to save Brightoak and the rest of Lore would be in vain. Navenna then used the Celestial Horn of Balance to summon the Guardian Spirit to attack them before leaving. With Ravinos' healing powers replaced by poison and the loss of Aven's protection through his death, Nevanna's forces marched on to begin a siege bigger than imagined by the residents of Brightoak Grove. Nevanna begins her attack on the World Tree by summoning an army of Tainted Earths, Mutated Leeches, Toxic Grove Spiders, and Wisterrora. Nevanna also raises her trump card in the form of the Earth Titan Gaiazor which half-emerges from it's mana portal within the World Tree. After the player defeat Gaiazor, it fully emerges from the mana portal as Nevanna uses Gaiazor to attack Brightoak while demanding that the players surrender. As the inhabitants of Brightoak start to flee, the Queen of Monsters thanks Nevanna for her mission as they plan to rebuild Brightoak in their own visions. Once the Queen of Monsters is done with that, Nevanna can be Brightoak's guardian. The players then head out to confront Nevanna and end up fighting an army of Tree Golems, Wolfwoods, and Wisterroras. The players then confront Nevanna on the back of Gaiazor and battle her. When the players defeat Nevanna, Aven's ghost enters her body enough to restore her to normal as the players call for Ravinos and Flix. When Flix comes to Nevanna's side, she states that Aven's presense drained the Queen of Monsters' control over her and starts to ask if what happened to Brightoak was her fault as Gaiazor continues it's rampage. While the players fought Gaiazor, Nevanna enters the Mana Core beneath the World Tree to reactivate it which starts to heal Ravinos and cause the Tainted Earth to dissolve. With half of Brightoak restored and planning to make amends with her fellow druids, Nevanna plans to make sure that she and Gaiazor won't let the Queen of Monsters attack Brightoak again.