| - In the year 2010, a mercenary named Royce awakes in freefall over a tropical jungle. Upon landing, he is immediately confronted by several other heavily-armed individuals, including Russian Spetznaz soldier Nikolai, Mexican drug cartel enforcer Chuchillo and IDF sniper Isabelle. They quickly encounter several more people dropped from the sky into the jungle, including an RUF officer called Mombasa, American Death Row inmate Stans, silent Yakuza assassin Hanzo, and an American doctor, Edwin. Only one thing is common between the people stranded in the jungle - they are all cold-blooded killers (except, seemingly, for Edwin) and the last thing they can remember is a light, then waking up in freefall.
| - In the year 2010, a mercenary named Royce awakes in freefall over a tropical jungle. Upon landing, he is immediately confronted by several other heavily-armed individuals, including Russian Spetznaz soldier Nikolai, Mexican drug cartel enforcer Chuchillo and IDF sniper Isabelle. They quickly encounter several more people dropped from the sky into the jungle, including an RUF officer called Mombasa, American Death Row inmate Stans, silent Yakuza assassin Hanzo, and an American doctor, Edwin. Only one thing is common between the people stranded in the jungle - they are all cold-blooded killers (except, seemingly, for Edwin) and the last thing they can remember is a light, then waking up in freefall. Trying to find high ground, they spring a series of booby traps, the original creator of which has been killed by a high-powered energy weapon. Continuing on, they discover, that they are on an alien planet, and are attacked by quadrupedall alien creatures, which they manage to fend off until the creatures are called away by a high-pitched whistle. Chuchillo is abducted, mortally wounded and left in a field as bait for a high-tech trap. The group abandons him and Isabelle executes him with her sniper rifle, not knowing he is already dead. Royce deduces that they are they are being hunted in a huge game reserve, and the quadrupedal creatures were being used in a manner similar to hunting dogs. They follow the creatures' tracks back to a campsite, where numerous skinned carcasses are hung and a captive Predator alien is bound to a metal monolith. They are then attacked by three cloaked Predators, who kill Mombasa, as the rest of the humans manage to escape into a river. Here Isabelle reveals that she has prior knowledge of the events from the first prefator movie. Royce then organizes the group to set a trap for the Predators. They are attacked by an insectoid creature, which turns out to be another alien, that was also released onto the planet as game. The alien is killed by a human wearing scavenged Predator equipment, a U.S. Navy SEAL named Noland, who was brought to the planet ten years before as game, but has managed to survive by hiding from the Predators in the remains of a crashed alien space ship. Noland takes them to his hideout, where he explains the true nature of their situation: the Predators have been harvesting formidable fighters from Earth and other planets for several centuries, using them to improve their hunting skills. He also states that the Predators always come in groups of three and that there is a blood-feud occurring between two different tribes of Predator - the "black" tribe, which is larger and more aggressive, and the "classic" form of Predators seen in other films. He adds that the Predators have a spacecraft near their camp, which Royce resolves to commandeer in order to leave the planet. As the group rests, Noland attempts to murder them by smoke suffocation, in order to take their equipment. Royce, however, alerts the hunting Predators, who break into the ship, killing Noland. Nikolai is wounded helping Edwin escape and blows himself up with a Claymore mine, killing a Black Predator. Immediately after the band escapes the ship, they are set upon by another Black Predator, which kills Stans. As the group flees, Hanzo stays behind and faces the Predator in a solo duel with a katana, which results in both his and the Predator's death. As the final three escape, Edwin is crippled by a Predator trap. Royce attempts to convince Isabelle to leave Edwin behind, but she refuses, and Royce continues on to the camp alone in order to free the captive "classic" Predator. He negotiates with it to allow him to return to Earth on its spaceship. In the meantime, Isabelle and Edwin are captured by the last remaining Black Predator and thrown into a pit, where Edwin paralyzes Isabelle with a nurotoxin and reveals to her that he is a psychopathic seria killer, who now wishes to work with the Predators to help them hunt humans. The Black Predator fights and decapitates the Classic Predator, then destroys the departing spaceship. Royce, however, never boarded the craft and returns to rescue Edwin and a paralyzed Isabelle from the pit. Edwin attempts to attack Royce but is disarmed and mortally wounded. Royce booby-traps his body with hand grenades to wound the Black Predator, then attacks it with a crude bone axe after covering his body in mud and lighting several fires to hide his heat signature from the Predators infrared vision. With Isabelle's help, he is able to kill the Black Predator, decapitating it after many blows. Royce and Isabelle, both wounded, look into the sky to observe more humans and other alien creatures being dropped into the jungle. As the film ends, Royce vows to find a way off the planet.