| - The city was divided into fifteen districts during the chancery of Anwis Eddicus. During this period, B'Rhea had suggested that they be increased to twenty-seven, dividing the districts even more along xenographic or economic lines.
* Bol Square, an almost exclusively commercial district built upon the former community of Bol Junction
* Cityfield Plains, a mixed-use, primarily residential district, originally established as Residential District 4.
* Commerce District, the center city of Eriadu City
* East End, an area immediately east of the Commerce District and adjacent to the naval base that was largely populated by ex-patriots
* Expansion North
* Fallia Hill, a middle-upper class residential area that strongly supported the Arrain Makila against B'Rhea
* Government District
* Mansion Hill, the wealthiest area of Eriadu City
* Northeast Industrial District, a mixed-use area that was 60% industrial
* Residential District 1, the residential area immediately north of the Commerce District
* Residential District 2
* Residential District 3, the most impoverished area of Eriadu City and most heavily populated by non-Humans
* South Bypass Industrial District
* The Sevens, a middle-lower class area of the city that was home to Casei Solus
* West Bypass Industrial District