| - "You look good enough to eat." A femme fatale. A mech eater. Call her what you wish, this girl was dangerous. A sultry, feminine figure in robot mode was only a ruse with the hot, burning plasma shot pistol she carried. But in her giant space mantis altmode she was even more deadly, able to spit a wad of sticky acid in the eyes of her foes as well as tear them to shreds with a pair of acid coated sickles making up her front arms. Wings in both modes give her flight, albeit not very fast, but it gets her from victim to victim to feed her feral hunger.
- Scorn (嘲笑, Chōshō) is the thirty-third episode of the Death Note anime series.
- Scorn is Stephen Colbert's signature cologne, which has won many tip of the hat awards. Stephen has shown it many times on the Colbert Report. Scorn is the fragrance made by a hero for heroes. You might be able to wear it too, if you've got the balls. Scorn possesses a truly unique scent. Surprisingly, this unique scent has a long history.
- Sister Scorn was the last of the surviving Adjudicators among the group of Forkrul Assail chasing the Snake.
- Scorn is a superhero in the DC Universe and was, for a time, a recurring ally of Superman.
- Scorn is the founder and ruler of the nation of Arcane. He is a former member of the Mostly Harmless Alliance and the alliance's Deputy Minister of Destructor Fleets, and currently is the ruler of the Delusions of Grandeur alliance. File:Scorn Ruler.jpg
- Scorn is a mutant Whatnot Muppet superhero who appears in Episode 24 of Statler and Waldorf: From the Balcony. Her ex-husband left her with five kids and a mortgage. She hopes she won't be seeing him again for his sake. The character auditioned for X-Men III, however she was rejected. To this, she feels like she's been tossed aside again and goes after the director. The same puppet was used earlier as one of Statler and Waldorf's Nurses on Muppets Tonight.
- He also met a blind human girl named Ashbury who he had a romance with. He showed his new friends the city of Kandor. For a while, Scorn took up Superman's normal red-and-blue costume while Superman had temporarily turned into an energy being. As the time in Kandor has since fallen out of synch with the real world, and centuries have passed since Ceritak's life, he is presumed to be dead.
- File:Ceritak2.gif Write the text of your article here!
- Scorn el Rey Dragón, es un dragón que una vez conquistó la isla pero luego fue derrotado por una banda de héroes. Luego volvió en el 2012 pero la isla se unió para derrotarlo una vez más.
- Throw an Orb of Slag that constantly damages enemies near it. This ability has a cooldown. Perform a regular melee attack when Scorn is on cooldown.
- Volk Lich Volk Art Untoter Zugehörigkeit Geißel Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Scharlachrotes Kloster Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Scorn war ein Lich auf dem Friedhof des Scharlachroten Klosters. Er tauchte dort während der "Invasion der Geißel" als Auftaktevent der World of Warcraft-Erweiterung Wrath of the Lichking auf. Nach dem Ende des Events verschwand Scorn wieder.
- |- | class="title" colspan="2" | Graveyard |- valign="top" | style="text-align: left; width:90%;" | Fallen Champion (rare) Azshir the Sleepless (rare) Ironspine (rare) Thalnos the Soulrender Headless Horseman (Hallow's End, summoned) | (lore) (lore) (lore) (lore) (lore) |- | class="title" colspan="2" | Cathedral |- | Brother Korloff Commander Durand High Inquisitor Whitemane | (lore) (lore) (lore) |- | class="title" colspan="2" | Loot |} TCG image [[File:|]]