| - The Galactic Federation of Allied Systems was the governing body of the Milky Way Galaxy during the Great Galactic Revival. Prior to its existence, the galaxy was controlled by the Citadel Council, until 2209 CE, when due to the numerous amounts of colonies and worlds claiming independence from their races, the galactic community was restructured. This provided a much more stable and fair government for the galaxy. The Galactic Federation was a Representative Democratic Government, consisting of various alliances, planets, races, and colonies from across the Milky Way. It was crafted by Ambassador Raul Mouriho of Bekenstein, and Asrai Councilor Leia Tevos, and after receiving an enormous amount of support, came to be the official government in 2210 CE. The central government consisted of three parts: legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The first branch, otherwise known as the Galactic Council is a body of elected councilors from planets and colonies across the galaxy, along with their cabinet of ambassadors, and other politicians. The main duty of this branch is to debate issues and disputes, varying from planetary to a galactic scale, the council represents the interest of their people. The High Council, is the executive branch of the Federation, elected by the Galactic council, the High Council consisted of five members, and the High Council had final words on debates in the Galactic Council, as well as control over the military. The final branch is the Citadel Court, reviewing and creating laws. The transition into the Federation was relatively easy, with little resistance among the Council space. Though still the dominate political force in the galaxy, not ever society aligned themselves with the Federation, there was still opposition. Over time the opposition gained support as the Federation attempted to spread it's influence across the Milky Way. Several conflicts erupted, especially between the Federation and new space-faring war like species. The Federation later led the way in one of the most infamous conflicts in galactic history, the Kinaro Rebellions, which led to the near decimation of the Kinaro people. After the conflict the Federation, under much scrutiny limited its expansion and involvement in military activities. This included the the Exodus War, between the Systems Alliance and the Exodus Dominion, weakening the alliance between the Systems Alliance and the Federation. The Federation continues to be the central government of the galaxy, though it's effectiveness has decreased in recent years due to political corruption and infighting.