| - We all have souvenirs -- items that remind us of a place we visited or thing we did. But what happens when, instead of remembering your trip to Happy Fun Land, you want to remember the time you murdered some orphans or decapitated your mortal enemy? The Creepy Souvenir is a sufficiently morbid item that is kept to show off the horrible thing(s) a character has done. Mostly, it's human body parts -- heads, teeth, skulls, skin, fingers -- for obvious reasons. Sometimes, other personal items are taken, like dogtags, but the general rule is the bloodier, the better.
| - We all have souvenirs -- items that remind us of a place we visited or thing we did. But what happens when, instead of remembering your trip to Happy Fun Land, you want to remember the time you murdered some orphans or decapitated your mortal enemy? The Creepy Souvenir is a sufficiently morbid item that is kept to show off the horrible thing(s) a character has done. Mostly, it's human body parts -- heads, teeth, skulls, skin, fingers -- for obvious reasons. Sometimes, other personal items are taken, like dogtags, but the general rule is the bloodier, the better. For extra bonus points, taxidermy it, because Taxidermy Is Creepy. The character might have an entire Trophy Room of such things. Particularly disturbed individuals may carry the items around with them wherever they go. Crosses over occasionally with Skeletons in the Coat Closet, Genuine Human Hide, and Having a Heart. Compare Battle Trophy, Collector of the Strange, Stalker Shrine, Kitsch Collection, Decapitation Presentation. Note that this is different from using body parts for religious, medical, magical, or other purposes, although that's no less creepy. No Real Life Examples, Please -- this has been common practice throughout human existence, from shrunken heads to scalping, but documenting real examples is tasteless and not our job. If you're interested in learning more, see The Other Wiki's article on the subject. Examples of Creepy Souvenir include: