| - Barbarossa must sail across the Sea of Marmara to reach the Hospitaller camp in the south. At least 10 military units must make it. He must threaten Constantinople (blue/Byzantines) who change their diplomacy to enemy once you get close to them in order to use its navy by stationing near the wonder. Although the scenario presents Gallipoli as an alternative option to invading Constantinople, this option is extremely risky, since the sea between Anatolia and Europe is infested with the Saracen Navy's warships. Gallipoli won't put up a fight, but the lack of warships to protect your transport ships makes this option virtually untenable. As such, laying siege to Constantinople is the safer and more efficient of the two choices. As you cross the sea, you can find Throwing Axemen and a trebuchet shipwrecked and as you land, the Seljuks will attack and have Cavalry Archers and Onagers and Monks for you to steal. As you get closer, an Earthquake tears down the Seljuk walls and some of their units. You do not have any villagers on this level. This is a very hard mission, so use your troops with extreme care. The only way to get Constantinople back to your ally is to garrison your troops near their Wonder. You may change your stance with Gallipoli to Neutral and convert their Pikemen if you are running out of soldiers. You must have either your Siege Onagers or Trebuchet alive because there is no direct way from the Sea of Marmara to the Hospitallers camp so you will need to knock down some trees to get there. There are two other ways to get more men from tributes. There are Throwing Axemen and a Trebuchet stranded on a deserted island to the south, you will have to go through Guard Towers to get there. Another way is on your way to the Hospitallers camp, while you're in the Holy Land, 4 Seljiuk Turk Heavy Calvalry Archers will join you. They can be found to the East. One of the easier ways to get your army across the Sea of Marmara is to remain allies with both Gallipoli and Constantinople. Send one of your soldiers to Gallipoli. They will give you all their transport ships. The entire enemy navy will sail to the Gallipoli and destroy these ships. While they are doing that, invade Constantinople quickly and board their transport ships. The enemy navy will be out of position and you should be able to undock on the other side.