Meldrar I was an inhabited planet. The planet had one moon, on which a prison was located. When a member of the race native of Meldrar I dies, a pouch of their blood is returned to the planet to be poured into the Meldrarae sea. The ritual was performed for Starfleet ensign Jataq'qat when he was killed in a Jem'Hadar attack on Deep Space 9. (DS9 novel: Avatar, Book One) In 2370, Odo claimed that the temperature on the moon of Meldrar I was two hundred degrees in the shade. (DS9 episode: "Necessary Evil")
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- Meldrar I
- Meldrar I
- Meldrar I
| - Meldrar I è un pianeta del Quadrante Alfa. Fu sede di una prigione lunare dove vi era una temperatura di duecento gradi all'ombra. Odo minacciò Rom di inviarlo su Meldrar I, quando era sospettato del tentativo dell'omicidio di suo fratello Quark, per costringerlo a rilasciare una confessione completa. (DS9: "La lista di Vaatrik")
- Odo dreigde dat hij Rom naar de gevangenis zou sturen voor de dood op zijn broer Quark. Hij deed dit om informatie van Rom los te krijgen. (DS9: "Necessary Evil")
- Meldrar I ist ein Planet. Auf Meldrar I befindet sich das Mondgefängnis. Der Planet selbst weist im Schatten eine Temperatur von 50°C auf. Als Odo und Commander Sisko guter Bulle, böser Bulle mit Rom spielen, gibt Odo an, Rom in dieses Gefängnis zu stecken. (DS9: )
- Meldrar I was an inhabited planet. The planet had one moon, on which a prison was located. When a member of the race native of Meldrar I dies, a pouch of their blood is returned to the planet to be poured into the Meldrarae sea. The ritual was performed for Starfleet ensign Jataq'qat when he was killed in a Jem'Hadar attack on Deep Space 9. (DS9 novel: Avatar, Book One) In 2370, Odo claimed that the temperature on the moon of Meldrar I was two hundred degrees in the shade. (DS9 episode: "Necessary Evil")
- Meldrar I was the inhabited first planet in its star system. It was the location of a lunar prison where the temperature was two hundred degrees in the shade. In 2370, Odo threatened to send Rom to Meldrar I for the murder of his brother Quark as a means to coercing Rom to tell Odo any information he might be withholding. (DS9: "Necessary Evil")
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| - Meldrar I was an inhabited planet. The planet had one moon, on which a prison was located. When a member of the race native of Meldrar I dies, a pouch of their blood is returned to the planet to be poured into the Meldrarae sea. The ritual was performed for Starfleet ensign Jataq'qat when he was killed in a Jem'Hadar attack on Deep Space 9. (DS9 novel: Avatar, Book One) In 2370, Odo claimed that the temperature on the moon of Meldrar I was two hundred degrees in the shade. (DS9 episode: "Necessary Evil") In 2376, a Genesis Device was used on Meldrar's moon, turning the moon from having arid wastelands to having plant life growing over twelve thousand square meters of land. (TNG novel: The Genesis Wave, Book 3)
- Meldrar I è un pianeta del Quadrante Alfa. Fu sede di una prigione lunare dove vi era una temperatura di duecento gradi all'ombra. Odo minacciò Rom di inviarlo su Meldrar I, quando era sospettato del tentativo dell'omicidio di suo fratello Quark, per costringerlo a rilasciare una confessione completa. (DS9: "La lista di Vaatrik")
- Meldrar I ist ein Planet. Auf Meldrar I befindet sich das Mondgefängnis. Der Planet selbst weist im Schatten eine Temperatur von 50°C auf. Als Odo und Commander Sisko guter Bulle, böser Bulle mit Rom spielen, gibt Odo an, Rom in dieses Gefängnis zu stecken. (DS9: ) Der Name dieses Planeten lässt vermuten, dass er der Planet eines Planetensystems mit der Bezeichnung „-System“ ist. Die Existenz dieses dazugehörigen Planetensystems lässt sich nicht durch Canon-Quellen belegen, ergibt sich allerdings aus der fiktiven Benennungskonvention, einen Planeten ohne speziellen Eigennamen nach dem dazugehörigen Zentralgestirn zu benennen. In der deutschen Synchronisation wird 50°C als Temperatur angegeben. Im Original sind es jedoch 200°F. Dies stimmt auch mit dem Untertitel überein, wo 90°C genannt werden.
- Meldrar I was the inhabited first planet in its star system. It was the location of a lunar prison where the temperature was two hundred degrees in the shade. In 2370, Odo threatened to send Rom to Meldrar I for the murder of his brother Quark as a means to coercing Rom to tell Odo any information he might be withholding. (DS9: "Necessary Evil") This planet was only mentioned in dialogue. According to the script, the pronunciation for Meldrar was "MEHL-drahr". [1] In the episode, it is said the lunar prison is on Meldrar I. According to and the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 2, p. 34) , the prison was located on a moon of Meldrar I. It was a Bajoran prison. Meldrar I orbited the primary Meldrar, which was located in the Bajor sector. [2]; [3]; [4]
- Odo dreigde dat hij Rom naar de gevangenis zou sturen voor de dood op zijn broer Quark. Hij deed dit om informatie van Rom los te krijgen. (DS9: "Necessary Evil")
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