A rune claw can be obtained either by using the Smithing skill to make a pair, or trading with another player. Forging a rune claw requires a Smithing level of at least 98 and two rune bars, providing 150 Smithing experience.
Tekoon tarvitaan Death Plateau-tehtävän suorittaminen ja 98. takomistaso. Rune clawseilla on samat bonukset kuin Rune scimitarilla, mutta kriittinen bonus on suurempi.
A rune claw can be obtained either by using the Smithing skill to make a pair, or trading with another player. Forging a rune claw requires a Smithing level of at least 98 and two rune bars, providing 150 Smithing experience.
Rune claw er et members bare melee våpen. Det krever 50 Attack for å bruke. Den kan bli kombinert med en offhand rune claw for å bli et formidabelt våpen. En rune claw kan bli skaffet enten ved bruk av Smithing skill for å lage et par, eller fra andre spillere- 93 Smithing trengs for å lage dem. For å lage dem, bruk en [[Rune bar (med en til i inventory) på en anvil med en hammer i inventory eller toolbelt. Dette gir 150 Smithing experience