| - In genetics, a chromosome is a distinct single piece of coded DNA combined with binding proteins within a cell. Organisms of the same species have the same distinct chromosome pairs which all contain the same alleles. Males and females differ due to whether one of the chromosomes is of a distinct type, designated "X" and "Y" from their distinct shape but near identical length. They are only visible when a cell is undergoing division. Otherwise, the DNA remains uncoiled in the cell's nucleus. Humans have 23 chromosome pairs, including an "XX" pair for females and an "XY" pair in males. Apart from the XX-XY pair, they are designated by their overall length with "1" being the longest and "22" the shortest. Some diseases are caused by either an extra chromosome (e.g. Trisomy-21) or a missing chromosome (e.g. Turner Syndrome) Some cancer cells have irreguarly shaped chromosomes, which often are of random length and do not necessarily appear in ordered pairs.
- Real Name: Dr. Astrid Wilder Aliases: The Mistress of Morphology, The Gene Genie Age: 27 Gender: Female Alignment: Evil Race: Mutant Goals: To prove herself to be as good as male scientists and to gain power
- Chromosomes could be negatively impacted by:
* excess or deficiency of trace elements;
* industrial waste byproducts in air and water;
* vitamin deficiencies:
* viral contaminants;
* magnetic field failure;
* increase in visible light;
* potassium overexposure;
* calcium resorption;
* bad personal hygiene;
* red dye number two;
* long-term disease exposure;
* extraterrestrial diseases;
* airborne particles (inert or carcinogenic);
* gravitational variations;
* solar flux variations;
* neutrino bombardment;
* chemical exposure;
* nuclear radiation;
* gamma ray exposure;
* ultraviolet radiation; and
* parasitic organisms. (TNG: "When The Bough Breaks" ) In 2369, Julian Bashir and Jadzia Dax ran a chromosome scan of a clone of Ibudan. (DS9: "A Man Alone") In 2372, The Doctor used undamaged chromosomes from Danara Pel's cerebellum to recreate her original DNA code. (VOY: "Lifesigns") When the Silver Blood USS Voyager and its crew began to deteriorate from subspace radiation in 2375, The Doctor found that their chromosomes were breaking down on a molecular level. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion") The Brunali made microgenetic alterations in the 3rd, 13th, and 17th chromosomes of certain children so that they would produce a spaceborne virus, turning them into weapons against the Borg. (VOY: "Child's Play") During an away mission in the Delta Flyer in 2376, Mortimer Harren asserted that genetics, not environment, were the determining factor in personality. In response, Captain Janeway jokingly asked, "How's your 13th chromosome? Missing a couple of base pairs in gene 178?" (VOY: "Good Shepherd") This was likely a reference to the chromosome considered responsible for development. Gene 178 in the 13th chromosome control aggression. Janeway was mocking his social skills by calling him overly aggressive
- Chromosome are discrete physical structures inside a cell nucleus that consist of proteins and DNA organized into genes.