She also initiates the quest "Unfriendly Competition," which is about Thoronir and The Copious Coinpurse. She is angry because Thoronir offers exaggeratedly low prices, and she thinks his goods are stolen items.
Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiJensine – Nordka prowadząca swój własny sklep w Dzielnicy Handlowej Cesarskiego Miasta o nazwie "Prawie Nowe" Towary Jensine. Może ona zlecić graczowi zadanie dotyczące handlu trefnym towarem. Kategoria:Oblivion: Postacie Kategoria:Oblivion: Nordowie Kategoria:Oblivion: Kobiety
She also initiates the quest "Unfriendly Competition," which is about Thoronir and The Copious Coinpurse. She is angry because Thoronir offers exaggeratedly low prices, and she thinks his goods are stolen items.
Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiJensine – Nordka prowadząca swój własny sklep w Dzielnicy Handlowej Cesarskiego Miasta o nazwie "Prawie Nowe" Towary Jensine. Może ona zlecić graczowi zadanie dotyczące handlu trefnym towarem. Kategoria:Oblivion: Postacie Kategoria:Oblivion: Nordowie Kategoria:Oblivion: Kobiety
She also initiates the quest "Unfriendly Competition," which is about Thoronir and The Copious Coinpurse. She is angry because Thoronir offers exaggeratedly low prices, and she thinks his goods are stolen items.