| - As-of-yet-unreleased series by Cashala Lafrance. Benjamin Anderson's world view falls to pieces late one fall night when his trip back from the school's basketball court coincides with witnessing Theodore Jennings execute one of his teachers. Theodore, covering up his shock at discovering this unexpected onlooker, quickly disappears from sight. But the next day, no one remembers the teacher that Ben saw die - and Theodore, along with his sister, Lorraine, tell Ben about the carefully constructed facade which has been upheld for so many centuries. Will add more.
| - As-of-yet-unreleased series by Cashala Lafrance. Benjamin Anderson's world view falls to pieces late one fall night when his trip back from the school's basketball court coincides with witnessing Theodore Jennings execute one of his teachers. Theodore, covering up his shock at discovering this unexpected onlooker, quickly disappears from sight. But the next day, no one remembers the teacher that Ben saw die - and Theodore, along with his sister, Lorraine, tell Ben about the carefully constructed facade which has been upheld for so many centuries.
* Action Girl: Lorraine
* All Myths Are True: Most of them, anyway.
* Alpha Bitch: Stacy again.
* Altum Videtur: Latin is the go-to language for the Exorcists.
* Anthropomorphic Personification: Time shows up. She's a woman.
* Badass Abnormal: Theodore, Lorraine and Richard.
* Badass Bookworm: Theodore.
* Badass Crew: Theodore, Lorraine and Richard. Again.
* Bad Dreams: Richard tends to have these.
* Be Careful What You Wish For: Djinns suck like that. Wish for a good gift for your best friend? The kitten will get itself killed. Wish your buddy had a good girl in his life? She's a Yandere.
* Beethoven Was an Alien Spy: Averted, since a famous person would be too noticeable to operate well.
* Berserk Button: Make fun of Lori, or their relationship together, near Richard. Just try.
* Bottomless Magazines: Richard's revolver. Justified in that he summons the bullets directly in to the gun.
* Chekhov's Gunman: Richard, who is mentioned in the prologue and appears in the later half of the book.
* Claustrophobia: Theodore has quite a case of this.
* Clingy Jealous Girl: Stacy.
* Cryptic Conversation: A rather annoying one is held with Time.
* Curb Stomp Battle: Richard 1, Strigoi 0.
* Dead to Begin With: All of the Exorcists are like this.
* Our Demons Are Different
* Demon Slaying: The titular Exorcists.
* Depleted Phlebotinum Shells: Richard's revolver can automatically stamp bullets to fire holy rounds, incendiary rounds, and other elements.
* Empathic Weapon: Asbjorn, Theodore's sword.
* Our Genies Are Different: They suck out souls! And simply wander about, granting wishes.
* Gentle Giant: Dutch is taaall.
* Ho Yay: Oh so much. Not least between Theodore and Ben.
* Hot Witch: Stacy becomes one.
* The Hunter
* Jackass Genie: The djinn.
* Killed to Uphold the Masquerade: Russel Banks, although it was more a case of 'He was way too dangerous'.
* The Kirk: Lorraine mediates between Theodore's stoicism and Richard's sense of care.
* Laser-Guided Amnesia: The Exorcists have access to memory dust and spells that have this effect, mainly used to wipe the memories of those who witness supernatural events.
* Like Brother and Sister Theodore and Lorraine aren't really related, but they act like it.
* Lovable Sex Maniac Lorraine. Oh Gods Lorraine. Well, until she gets a thing for Ben. And then gets in a relationship with him.
* The McCoy: Richard.
* Mysterious Past: Richard apparently vanished for thirteen years, and completely refuses to speak of it.
* Off with His Head:
* Only Known by Their Nickname: 'Dutch'
* Pretty Little Headshots: How Theodore dispatches werewolf!Lorraine.
* Really Five Hundred, Two Hundred, and Ninety Years Old: Theodore, Lorraine and Richard respectively.
* Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Lorraine and Richard both believe this.
* Revolvers Are Just Better: Richard. One that fires holy bullets and has a blade that shoots out of the back.
* Sad Clown: Richard.
* Scrapbook Story: The prologue is told as a series of reports by Theodore, Lorraine and Douglas.
* Sinister Scythe Lorraine uses a scythe-on-a-chain named Lilith. Richard uses a more traditional one, and refuses to talk about it.
* The Spock: Theodore.
* The Tease: Lorraine. Oh so much.
* Unfazed Everyman: Ben
* Our Vampires Are Different
* Weirdness Censor: Averted, the citizens of Greenfern are vaguely aware that bad things are happening - it's just that most don't survive long enough to tell.
* Our Werewolves Are Different
* Yandere: Denise.
* Your Vampires Suck: Richard disparages Twilight at one point. And apparently Lorraine is Team Carlisle... Will add more.