| - In Resident Evil: Revelations, passages from Dante's La Divine Commedia can be found as a file. Additionally,Jack Norman,leader of terrorist organization Il Veltro and Morgan Lansdale,Commissioner of FBC,both quoted multiple lines from Divine Comedy. During his first broadcast,Norman quoted passage from Canto XXXIII: But if my words be seed that may bear fruitOf infamy to the traitor whom I gnaw,Speaking and weeping shalt thou see together. I know not who thou art, nor by what modeThou hast come down here; Thine eyes shall answer make to thee of this, Seeing the cause which raineth down the blast
| - In Resident Evil: Revelations, passages from Dante's La Divine Commedia can be found as a file. Additionally,Jack Norman,leader of terrorist organization Il Veltro and Morgan Lansdale,Commissioner of FBC,both quoted multiple lines from Divine Comedy. During his first broadcast,Norman quoted passage from Canto XXXIII: But if my words be seed that may bear fruitOf infamy to the traitor whom I gnaw,Speaking and weeping shalt thou see together. I know not who thou art, nor by what modeThou hast come down here; Norman,while speaking to B.S.A.A. agents Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield,recited numerous lines from various cantos from Dante's Inferno: Norman,as well as Quint Cetcham and Morgan Lansdale,quoted the line from Divine Comedy,which was written on the gates of Hell before Dante entered it for salvation While initiating the Regia Solis activation during Terragrigia Panic in 2004, Morgan recited the line from Canto XXXIII of the book,as he spoke to Norman Thine eyes shall answer make to thee of this, Seeing the cause which raineth down the blast Also,passage from Canto VI was quoted by Veltro agent in one of the diaries found on sunken Queen Dido