| - One of the major differences in this timeline in comparison to the others, is that the birth of the twins is placed 1 year after the wedding (KQ2), the KQ4 manual placed it two years after KQ2. Another difference is that it states that Alexander escaped Llewdor when he was eighteen though this likely rounded up from his actual age (see also Novel timeline). As the date of the wedding is not specifically given it is not clear how long KQ2 takes place after KQ1, which would then affect any other placement of events. It can fit roughly on top of any timeline that places KQ6/KQ7 at 25 years after KQ1. The 20 year starting range (KQ6-7 around 22 GC) used in the Original timeline would be more problematic (as it would force KQ2 closer to KQ1). The wedding would end up about 2 years after KQ1 if the birthdate occurs in the same year (at opposite ends of the year to maintain the approximate '1 year apart') which could loosely be considered 'several' under some definitions, or by placing the wedding 1 year after KQ1 rather than several (ignoring the intent of the KQ5 hintbook). There is potential for the KQ5 material to be interpreted into other variants such as a 23 year (wedding about 23 years after KQ1), 24 year (wedding about 3-4 years after KQ1) or 26 year (wedding about 5-6 years after KQ1) timelines, but that would make it incompatible with other common systems used by other sources, and moves more into the realm of speculation. This timeline (and the variants, based on it) largely ignores the KQ4 manual (which has an incompatible date for the twin's birth, and royal wedding), and largely ignores the King's Quest Companion (which also includes incompatible dates), and any other sources inconsistent with the KQV Hintguide. Specifically this contains material from The World of King's Quest: A Brief History of Daventry and Once Upon a Time in a Land Faraway from The Magical World of King's Quest from InterAction, fall 1992.