| - Deputy was a rank or title held by some law enforcement officers. The Kyuzos Drego and Streehn were the deputies of Niima Outpost, a frontier trading post located on the planet Jakku.
- Provincial Administrators in the Middle Sea Empire or the Holy Country.
* Appointed by a Governor
* They are called Earls by Heortlanders. Sources: History of the Heortling Peoples, Middle Sea Empire (Book)
- A deputy is a warrior who is second in command to the leader, aiding them in their tasks and replacing them immediately after their death or retirement. Also, when the leader is ill or unable to perform their duties, the deputy will take the leader's place until they recover, and they will take their place at Gatherings if the leader is absent and cannot attend.
- Deputy are a back-up for Detectives. If a Detective dies, the Deputy takes over and becomes the new Detective.
- Deputy is a Nemesis Perk. __NoToC__
- Deputy is a man who appeared in "Survivors".
- Deputy is primarily a defunct position within the leadership of the PPC; it existed from the founding of the Organisation until the Reorganisation. It is also a title used for the Yertis in the DIA.
- Deputy is a Forest Clan rank similar to that of any other Second in Command rank.
- A Deputy allowed Prue Halliwell to enter a soon-to-be destroyed apartment building to talk to Vince, a demon with an empathic gift who was refusing to leave.
- thumb|Deputy Bodan 2375 Deputy ist die Anrede für einen Offizier der bajoranischen Sicherheit. Anfang 2370 macht Odo Quark zu seinem Deputy, um diesen herausfinden zu lassen, wer der Empfänger der Waffen für den Kreis ist. Der Ferengi findet das nicht fair. (DS9: ) 2375 lässt Kai Winn Gul Dukat, der verbotenerweise das Buch des Kosst Amojan liest und dadurch erblindet, durch Deputy Bodan auf die Straße setzen. Er soll erst zurückkommen, wenn er Demut erlernt und von den Pah-Geistern für würdig befunden wird. (DS9: )
- Deputy was a title used by a variety of species, usually denoting a function in security or law enforcement. On Earth, "deputy" frequently indicated a rank in law enforcement that was subordinate to the role of sheriff. One could be deputized temporarily in moments of crisis. (TNG: "A Fistful of Datas" )