The Super Armor (スーパーアーマー), also simply referred to as "Armor", is a property that certain attacks in the Street Fighter series and other fighting games have.
The Super Armor (スーパーアーマー), also simply referred to as "Armor", is a property that certain attacks in the Street Fighter series and other fighting games have.
Super Armor is one of Colossus's moves in X-Men: Children of the Atom as an X Ability move and Marvel vs. Capcom 2 as a Hyper Combo. Colossus enters a state of Super Armor. While in this state, most attacks will not make him stagger. This allows him to come at the opponent easier. He can still guard in this form. This Hyper Combo lasts for ten seconds.
The Super Armor (スーパーアーマー), also simply referred to as "Armor", is a property that certain attacks in the Street Fighter series and other fighting games have.
Super Armor is one of Colossus's moves in X-Men: Children of the Atom as an X Ability move and Marvel vs. Capcom 2 as a Hyper Combo. Colossus enters a state of Super Armor. While in this state, most attacks will not make him stagger. This allows him to come at the opponent easier. He can still guard in this form. This Hyper Combo lasts for ten seconds.