The Battle of Mallorey, also known as the Massacre of Mallorey by the Ostians, was part of the early campaign conducted by the Kingdom of Vesryn during the Ostian War of Independence. After a successful incursion as far as Bellmare and Summershore, Lord-Lieutenant Austyn Preston was sent on the orders of Lance Captain Adair níc Chollaigh to bring the southern hamlets and towns under Vesryne control. Taking a small detachment, Preston led his men southwards for two months, reaving and plundering from hamlets on his way to the major village of Mallorey. There he met with resistance in the form of the local militia, reinforced by the local army garrison under the command of Ostian Captain Trystan Birchwood.
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| - The Battle of Mallorey, also known as the Massacre of Mallorey by the Ostians, was part of the early campaign conducted by the Kingdom of Vesryn during the Ostian War of Independence. After a successful incursion as far as Bellmare and Summershore, Lord-Lieutenant Austyn Preston was sent on the orders of Lance Captain Adair níc Chollaigh to bring the southern hamlets and towns under Vesryne control. Taking a small detachment, Preston led his men southwards for two months, reaving and plundering from hamlets on his way to the major village of Mallorey. There he met with resistance in the form of the local militia, reinforced by the local army garrison under the command of Ostian Captain Trystan Birchwood.
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| - Kingdom of Ostia
- Ostian War of Independence
- Kingdom of Vesryn and the Astran Isles
- Territory of Ostia
1,114 soldiers killed, or drawn and quartered
59 militiamen drafted into the army
298 civilians massacred and enslaved
- Territory of Ostia
1,204 soldiers
120 militiamen
500 civilians
- Austyn Preston
Godric Clifton
- Kingdom of Vesryn
114 troops
3 griffons
- Trystan Birchwood †
- Kingdom of Vesryn
1,234 troops
12 griffon cavalrymen
4 trebuchets
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| - Decisive Kingdom of Vesryn tactical victory
* Burning of Mallorey
* Territory of Ostia forces retreat from western Ostia
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| - Mallorey, Ostia, Western Astria
| - The Battle of Mallorey, also known as the Massacre of Mallorey by the Ostians, was part of the early campaign conducted by the Kingdom of Vesryn during the Ostian War of Independence. After a successful incursion as far as Bellmare and Summershore, Lord-Lieutenant Austyn Preston was sent on the orders of Lance Captain Adair níc Chollaigh to bring the southern hamlets and towns under Vesryne control. Taking a small detachment, Preston led his men southwards for two months, reaving and plundering from hamlets on his way to the major village of Mallorey. There he met with resistance in the form of the local militia, reinforced by the local army garrison under the command of Ostian Captain Trystan Birchwood. After the battle was won, the Vesryne forces infamously hunted down the deserters and prisoners of war and executed them by drawing and quartering them across the village. Preston personally ordered the burning and pillaging of the town and its populace, and allowed very few civilians to leave, and even then only to bring gruesome tales back to the Ostians.