Attributes | Values |
| - Scroll of Remove Curse
- Scroll of remove curse
| - Price : 375 gp, 700 gp
- The Scroll of Remove Curse is scroll. Its class name in save files is "com.watabou.pixeldungeon.items.scrolls.". __TOC__ __NOEDITSECTION__
- The scroll of remove curse has a base cost of 80, and when read, it will uncurse worn or wielded items, loadstones and leashes in use. If the scroll is blessed, it will uncurse all items in the main inventory. If the scroll is cursed, it will not remove (or add) a curse from an item. Regardless of the scroll's BUC status, if you are punished, it will unpunish you by destroying the chain (the iron ball will remain).
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| - However, if the item hasn't been identified as cursed, you'll only know if the scroll affected anything in your inventory , or nothing happened.
- If a malevolent energy disperses, then you can now test the items safely, but you should expect to find degraded ones among them.
* If you are going to read a scroll to remove the curse of only one equipped item, before using it, equip any other items that might be cursed.
- You will know if they have a negative modifier; and uncurse them immediately.
- If you read the scroll and nothing happens, it means none of your objects were cursed, and therefore none of them are degraded.
- Therefore, before using a Scroll of Remove Curse, if you do not have a specific item you want to uncurse, drop all the items you know to be cursed, leaving only unidentified objects.
- As degraded items are almost always cursed, it is helpful to know whether an object was initially cursed, as well as whether it is currently cursed.
- * Using a Scroll of Remove Curse uncurses all the items in your inventory.
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| - All curses affecting weapons, armors, and rings in the Hero/ine’s Backpack are removed, but the degrades are not removed.
- In addition, the Weakened debuff afflicting the Hero/ine is removed.
thumb|190px|left|Reading a Scroll of Remove curse
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| - Removes Curses & Weakened debuff
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| - Price : 375 gp, 700 gp
- The scroll of remove curse has a base cost of 80, and when read, it will uncurse worn or wielded items, loadstones and leashes in use. If the scroll is blessed, it will uncurse all items in the main inventory. If the scroll is cursed, it will not remove (or add) a curse from an item. Regardless of the scroll's BUC status, if you are punished, it will unpunish you by destroying the chain (the iron ball will remain). If read while confused and uncursed, it will curse 25% of your uncursed worn items and bless another 25% of them (items already in a blessed or cursed state are not affected). Reading it while confused and blessed does the same thing, except to your entire inventory.
- The Scroll of Remove Curse is scroll. Its class name in save files is "com.watabou.pixeldungeon.items.scrolls.". __TOC__ __NOEDITSECTION__
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