| - The Ruby Guard . Like the related Grey Guard, they are cyborg supersoldiers created by the ancient Shandians, but unlike them, they are part of an even more elite unit. While travelers close to Southfar's shores occasionally recount tales about the "grey spectres" that stalk the sandy wastes, few humans have ever seen the Ruby Guardsmen, which generally sleep - or lurk - only in important places in the deepest of the ruins. The boss of Leon's father had an encounter with them and dubbed them the "red specters". Ruby Guardsmen tower above the tallest humans and wear boxy, yet slender, bright red armor, although it has in many places been scratched, dulled and dented by the effects of time, the conditions in the ruins and the all-covering sand. Ruby Guardsmen carry large, halberd-like energy
| - The Ruby Guard . Like the related Grey Guard, they are cyborg supersoldiers created by the ancient Shandians, but unlike them, they are part of an even more elite unit. While travelers close to Southfar's shores occasionally recount tales about the "grey spectres" that stalk the sandy wastes, few humans have ever seen the Ruby Guardsmen, which generally sleep - or lurk - only in important places in the deepest of the ruins. The boss of Leon's father had an encounter with them and dubbed them the "red specters". Ruby Guardsmen tower above the tallest humans and wear boxy, yet slender, bright red armor, although it has in many places been scratched, dulled and dented by the effects of time, the conditions in the ruins and the all-covering sand. Ruby Guardsmen carry large, halberd-like energy weapons which fire hazy, orange balls of energy that vaporize solid matter. In Random Kingdom 2, there were three types of Guards: Grey Guards, the more elite Ruby Guards Both first types are troops of Sothfar and can be found on the San'Dia continent. Random Kingdom 3 had at least two different types of Guardians and two Guards: There were one for each of the two types of Amber Guardians to be found in the Bunkers underneath the Northern Capital, guarding the lower level of the Rebell's Hideout. Unlike in RK2, the stronger version / boss-type enemy of a Guardian in RK3 is not a "Weapon", but a "Queen". One Amber Guardian and a female cyborg called "Amber Queen" had to be fought as optional bosses in subsequent battles once trying to access the lower level without the appropriate key. Later in the game, the bunker system underneath Mt. Amalgosa is guarded by "Diamond Queen" before the battle with "Diamond", Asumi's brother. The Guardians are, in this game, explained as a seperate species, a sub-branch of the High Mutants, enhanced by massive cybernetics and charged with guarding the bunker entrances, hence their name. The game also features "Jade" a female super-android guarding Heaven. It is propable that Jade is really "Jade Queen" in one series with Diamond and Amber Queen. In an early version, there is also a Summon called "Jedi", which is called "Jade Knight" in some versions. It is a summon called by a L3-Astral-Upg and resembles a Jedi Knight more than anything made of jade. The game's expansion pack features a female A-Team member named simply "Ruby". Judging from her appearance, name and abilites, it is propable that she is also a member of the "Queen" series. Besides this, there is the Red Guard (as it is renamed in later patches) and the Black Guard (who aswell get their name in later patches, before being called only the "Agents" or, in Vr. 1.2, "Vympl".) Both are elite military units of the Dynasty. Random Kingdom Omega Cycle Omega Cycle featured "Iron Guards", "Black Guards" and "White Guards". While there is a team of elite agents similar to the Black Guard from RK3, this team has been named "MAJESTIC-12", and the Black Guards instead became the forces of OMEGA13. The White Guards are forces from ANGELUS7. The Iron Guards are the Alliance's ancient exoskeleton forces using Wolverine ArmSuits. There is also the "National Guard", which is a rl US military force, used by the Alliance.