| - Tur (Tur 1) () is a light armoured patrol car (light infantry mobility vehicle), designed by the Polish factory AMZ-Kutno in 2007. The Tur was designed for intervention and patrol tasks behind front lines, especially equipped for operations in danger areas and has 5 person transport capacity. The vehicle was developed especially for the Polish military contingents in Iraq and Afghanistan in response to requests of the soldiers stationed there. Its design and armour allows it to withstand an explosion equal to of TNT. It may be fitted with a remote turret. Mechanical part comes mostly from IVECO (engine, transmission, suspension). It is designed as a safer and more modern alternative to the Humvee operated by the Polish Army. Despite needs of military contingents, as for 2009 no orders were made, and a contest for a light armoured patrol car (LOSP in Polish) was not settled (its main counterpart is Iveco LMV). As of 2008, five prototypes were made, two of them were destroyed in tests. The last, fifth one has modified look of a forward part, and minor improvements. In 2008 AMZ-Kutno developed new, bigger variant Tur 2, being a different car in fact.