| - The Kell were a sentient species of bipeds known for their great strength and intelligence. Humanoids in overall appearance, Kell shared many biological and aesthetic traits with both mammals and reptiles. Kell skin—which varied in shades of green—was resilient and capable of safely absorbing excessive amounts of harmful radiations to protect their internal organs. Perhaps their most distinctive features were the thick ridges of scales on their necks, chins, limbs, and spines, which made them instantly recognizable; due to the thickness of these scale ridges, Kell were incapable of growing hair anywhere on their bodies except for their scalps. They had long, pointed ears and keen eyes that allowed them to sense spectra and frequencies that most other races could not. Kell were also naturally robust. Their bones and muscle tissue were incredibly dense, which granted them impressive levels of strength and durability. In the case that a Kell did receive extreme injury, their rapid healing factor allowed them to recover quickly—they were even capable of regenerating limbs if they suffered dismemberment, although this ability depended largely on the individuals health and age. Kell possessed advanced mental capabilities. They often used a form of telepathic communication that allowed them to transfer and receive large amounts of information nearly instantaneously and made it possible for them to become comfortably familiar with a new acquaintance within seconds. Because of this ability, Kell did not understand the process of first meetings in the ways that most other races did and were considered socially awkward at times by non-Kell. Kell were known to have high Force-resistance and were immune to the potent pheromones produced by such species as Zeltrons. Kell were a naturally long-lived species, with most living roughly 250 years and some living as long as 400 years on rare occasions. While the Kell produced milk, they did not give birth to live young and instead laid eggs. They were capable of interbreeding with a handful of other races such as Falleen, though their chances of successfully producing offspring with a human was only one chance in four. There were at least two subspecies of Kell; the heavily-muscled Buranians and the rare purple-skinned Vithites.