| - When you rescued Dr. Snider from the Rikti, he told you:
'They forced me to do transplants on some of their most powerful soldiers. When I extracted their old organs, they were in terrible shape. Withered, decaying! I was told to put in new organs, which I guess came from some fallen Rikti soldiers.'
- This high tech device that can read the thoughts of weakened Rikti. It is currently set to find thoughts pertaining to human organs.
- Steven Sheridan sent you, eh? Ok, I do have something that can help you. I call it a Psychic Probe, and it has been proven to be able to read the minds of weakened Rikti. All you gotta do is defeat them, and the probe will pick up any thoughts about Dr. Snider. Take down enough, and you should find out where he's being held.
- 'It's true, human. I did replace your friend's DNA sample. My superiors thought it would keep you from meddling; we didn't want anyone to learn how we've been using this lab. We've been analyzing human DNA so we can further our plan to bring the human population into the great Rikti society. Unfortunately for me, the Restructurists found out. They'd do anything to stop us!'
- This badge grants you limited access to the SERAPH facility that analyzes dead Rikti soldiers.
- You recovered this data from a lab infested with Rikti. It appears to be a detailed analysis of human organs.
- One of the doctors you rescued told you:
'I know why they're so desperate for this cure. They don't want it just for their soldiers; they want it for their children. That's right, children! They wouldn't permit me to see them first hand, but there are whole nurseries filled with infant Rikti in other well-hidden bases. I think they're rebuilding their whole civilization, right here on Earth.'