| - A web comic that was, originally, just a recurring cast in KC Green's Gunshow. It stars the four members of a high school Anime Club: Mort, Mark, Dave, and the newest member, Clyde. One day, Mort brings pornography...err, hentai to the library for them to watch. Unfortunately, the disc gives Dave's computer a virus, and this sparks a fight between the incensed Mark and the always-furious Mort.
| - A web comic that was, originally, just a recurring cast in KC Green's Gunshow. It stars the four members of a high school Anime Club: Mort, Mark, Dave, and the newest member, Clyde. One day, Mort brings pornography...err, hentai to the library for them to watch. Unfortunately, the disc gives Dave's computer a virus, and this sparks a fight between the incensed Mark and the always-furious Mort. To make matters worse, The Anime Club is booted from the public library for the fight (and for watching hentai,) leading them to search for a new location to conduct their club, as well as a refund for the corrupted data. A five part web-comic (not including the original strips, a very short Part 2.5, and a non canon Part Six,) it's a short but highly recommended read. It can be found here. A Fan Vid series has started by the people who did the Hiimdaisy Persona4 fandub, and is probably even more hilarious.
* Batman Gambit: Dave's revenge on Tony turns out to be one of these.
* Beware the Quiet Ones: Dave is a sulky force to be reckoned with.
* Breakout Character: The Anime Club started as a one-off joke and grew into a rather large story.
* Comically Missing the Point: Clyde's reaction to what was presented to him.
* Disproportionate Retribution: Tony dislikes the tastes of the Anime Club, especially Mort. His solution? To give Dave's computer a powerful virus.
* Dave's revenge on Tony for this is an even better example. Not only does he pop all of Tony's tires and break his windshield, he gives Tony's computer the very same virus Tony gave to his.
* Early Installment Weirdness: The initial Anime Club strips now look a bit odd. Clyde's design looked different and Mort would yell at anyone. In the later comics, Mort seems to get along fine with Dave and Clyde although he still fights constantly with Mark.
* Fan Boy: All of the Anime Club, but Mort especially.
* Gory Discretion Shot: The hentai is mostly shown off-screen, or in the case of the fandub, depicted through silly voices and even sillier sound effects. The reason this isn't a Sexy Discretion Shot is fairly obvious.
* Humiliation Conga: Mort starts on one in Anime Club part 5 before Dave intervenes.
* Hypocritical Humor: Mort chews out the Japanese Animation club for their poor taste, despite lauding a show about a Princess's weird interests.
* Identical Stranger: Mort and Porky.
* It's Not Porn, It's Art: Mort tries to defend a Hentai anime(involving bestiality, no less) with this. It doesn't work well.
* Jerkass: Mort most prominently, but Tony is not much better.
* Hell even Mark has his moments, judging by part 4.
* Know-Nothing Know-It-All: Mort thinks he's a brilliant connoisseur of anime whose opinions are infallible. In reality...not so much.
* Shout-Out: To several animes, most prominently Haruhi Suzumiya and Naruto.
* The Quiet One: Dave.