| - The Federation colony of Setlik III was attacked by the Cardassians as they believed it was a staging point for an assault against the Union. Many of the colonists were killed by the Cardassians during the attack before the USS Rutledge responded to the colony's distress call and rescued the survivors. (TNG: "The Wounded")
- The Setlik III massacre was a major event of the Federation-Cardassian War in which Cardassian forces attacked the Federation outpost on Setlik III and killed the majority of its inhabitants. The Cardassian Union believed the outpost was a staging ground for an assault on Cardassian space, so a squad of the Cardassian militia was dispatched to the colony to destroy it. However, no such military base existed, and the Cardassian troops attacked the civilian population, with close to a hundred casualties. The Federation starship USS Rutledge, under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell, was the first vessel to respond to the colony's distress calls, though it was stationed some hours away. Upon arrival at Setlik III on the morning after the massacre, the Rutledge deployed landing parties, i
- The Setlik III Massacre was an incident (in 2362) during the Federation-Cardassian War, where Cardassian forces attacked a Federation colony located there. The attack started when Dal Laen Enkoa, then in command of the CDS Lakar, discovered "evidence" (which was intentionally leaked to him by Elim Garak, an Obsidian Order operative) that convinced him weapons were being stored at the Federation colony. Enkoa then decided to attack the colony without permission from his superiors, and launched an assault on the colony, only stopping when he was called off by Jagul Hanno. These actions forced the Cardassians to launch a ground invasion of the planet and to annex the entire system. (ST novella: The Slow Knife)
| - The Federation colony of Setlik III was attacked by the Cardassians as they believed it was a staging point for an assault against the Union. Many of the colonists were killed by the Cardassians during the attack before the USS Rutledge responded to the colony's distress call and rescued the survivors. (TNG: "The Wounded")
- The Setlik III Massacre was an incident (in 2362) during the Federation-Cardassian War, where Cardassian forces attacked a Federation colony located there. The attack started when Dal Laen Enkoa, then in command of the CDS Lakar, discovered "evidence" (which was intentionally leaked to him by Elim Garak, an Obsidian Order operative) that convinced him weapons were being stored at the Federation colony. Enkoa then decided to attack the colony without permission from his superiors, and launched an assault on the colony, only stopping when he was called off by Jagul Hanno. These actions forced the Cardassians to launch a ground invasion of the planet and to annex the entire system. (ST novella: The Slow Knife) After the attack the USS Rutledge, under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell, was diverted from its normal course to attempt a rescue mission of the colonists. The mission was a personal one for Maxwell as his wife and children lived in an outlying district there. (Last Unicorn RPG module: All Our Yesterdays: The Time Travel Sourcebook) Upon the arrival of the Rutledge, all communications with the colony were out and sensors showed survivors fleeing to the outlying district with heavy casualties in the main settlement. With communications down, a plan to transport survivors to the ship while in orbit had to be abandoned. Captain Maxwell personally chose a squadron of men to accompany him on the away team over his first officer's obligatory, but halfhearted, objections. The Rutledge away team consisted of Maxwell, Miles O'Brien, Will Kayden, Volodzhe, Meier, Tsao, Rendell, Lind, and Garcia. Maxwell took O'Brien and Kayden with him while the others split into teams with orders to find survivors and have them beamed to the ship. With Cardassian forces less than a kilometer away, it wasn't long before combat ensued. Kayden was killed while attempting to rescue some surviving colonists. Although O'Brien avenged his friend's death, the horror of taking a life would haunt him throughout his career. The massacre also took a heavy toll on Captain Maxwell, whose family had been killed shortly before his arrival. The remaining Cardassian forces eventually retreated from the planet, but the crew of the Rutledge would long remember the aftermath. The subject of the incident, according to O'Brien, was never brought up again among the crew. It wouldn't be until Maxwell, as captain of the USS Phoenix, destroyed Cardassian vessels without provocation that the wound of Setlik III would be reopened. (TNG episode: "The Wounded", DS9 novelization: Emissary)
- The Setlik III massacre was a major event of the Federation-Cardassian War in which Cardassian forces attacked the Federation outpost on Setlik III and killed the majority of its inhabitants. The Cardassian Union believed the outpost was a staging ground for an assault on Cardassian space, so a squad of the Cardassian militia was dispatched to the colony to destroy it. However, no such military base existed, and the Cardassian troops attacked the civilian population, with close to a hundred casualties. The Federation starship USS Rutledge, under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell, was the first vessel to respond to the colony's distress calls, though it was stationed some hours away. Upon arrival at Setlik III on the morning after the massacre, the Rutledge deployed landing parties, including officer Miles O'Brien. O'Brien was instrumental in saving the last surviving colonists, who were all located in an outlying district of the settlement. As part of a squad to reinforce the survivors, O'Brien became known as the "Hero of Setlik III" and was decorated after leading a group of two dozen men against a Cardassian regiment at the Barrica encampment. Among O'Brien's other achievements on Setlik III was saving the lives of thirteen men by using a field transporter for the first time. (TNG: "The Wounded" ; DS9: "Paradise", "Empok Nor") Among the casualties were Maxwell's family, as well as Rutledge crewmembers Will Kayden and Raymond Boone. Boone himself was killed by the Cardassians after being captured. He was replaced by a surgically-altered Cardassian operative. He was not revealed as an impostor until 2370. (TNG: "The Wounded" ; DS9: "Tribunal") In 2367, Glinn Daro met O'Brien, and acknowledged that the attack on Setlik III had been "a terrible mistake", as the Cardassians had erroneously believed it to have been the staging ground for a massive Federation attack. (TNG: "The Wounded" ) The exact date of the massacre has never been stated. Miles O'Brien mentioned it to have taken place in 2347, about one year after he transferred to the USS Rutledge in 2346. (TNG: "The Wounded" ) Comments by Benjamin Sisko, on the other hand, seem to place the massacre shortly before the discharge of Raymond Boone from Starfleet "eight years ago" in 2362. (DS9: "Tribunal") In the novelization of DS9: "Emissary", O'Brien reflects on his memories of the massacre, and Captain Maxwell's discovery of his murdered family, while settling into his quarters aboard Deep Space 9, a former Cardassian space station.