An exarch was the title of an official used by the Cardassians and the Rakhari. In 2362, Kotan Pa'Dar was exarch of a Cardassian settlement on Bajor during the Occupation. (DS9: "Cardassians") Hadran was exarch of Rakhar's Nehelik Province in 2369. (DS9: "Vortex") The title of exarch originates from the Byzantine empire.
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- Exarch
- Exarch
- Exarch
| - By stać się exarchem, draenei musi przejść trzy próby. Podczas każdej próby może im towarzyszyć maksymalnie jeden kompan. Paladyni draenei otrzymują Elekka Exarcha jako wierzchowca.
- An exarch was the title of an official used by the Cardassians and the Rakhari. In 2362, Kotan Pa'Dar was exarch of a Cardassian settlement on Bajor during the Occupation. (DS9: "Cardassians") Hadran was exarch of Rakhar's Nehelik Province in 2369. (DS9: "Vortex") The title of exarch originates from the Byzantine empire.
- Exarchs are military governors and leaders, similar to generals combined with mayors.
- Exarch is a draenei title, apparently used for military leaders.
- Exarch was the title granted to Knights of Zakuul who participated in and survived Project Exarch's enhancement process. The project took the best and most loyal Knights and enhanced them with biological and cybernetic upgrades, creating the "perfect" Knights. Each Exarch was given command of a Star Fortress, a Zakuulan battle station placed in orbit above a conquered world, which in turn essentially made them the ruler of the targeted world. Answering only to Emperor Arcann himself, the Exarchs adopted iconography related to the Old Gods of Zakuul, becoming quasi-religious leaders to their followers. Each Exarch carried personal shields and lightsaber pikes, and their armor was adapted to allow them to draw power from the Sun Generators that charged their respective Star Fortress.
- Aan het begin van de 2360s was Kotan Pa'Dar de Exarch van een Cardassian nederzetting op Bajor gedurende de bezetting van Bajor. (DS9: "Cardassians") Hadran was Exarch van de Nehelik provincie op de planeet Rakhar in 2369. (DS9: "Vortex")
- thumb|Exarch Hadran. Exarch ist ein offizieller Titel auf den Planeten Cardassia und Rakhar. 2362 ist der Cardassianer Kotan Pa'Dar, leiblicher Vater von Rugal Exarch einer cardassianischen Siedlung auf Bajor. (DS9: ) Im Jahr 2369 meldet sich der Exarch Hadran der Nehelik-Provinz des Planeten Rakhar auf die Anfrage von Dax und Commander Benjamin Sisko, als diese versuchen, Kontakt bezüglich des Gefangenen Croden und dessen Verteidigung im Mordfall an dem Zwillingsmiradorn Ro-Kel, aufzunehmen. (DS9: )
- An Exarch was a title held by civilian members within the Cardassian Union. Kotan Pa'Dar held the position on Exarch during the Occupation of Bajor. After he joined the Detapa Council, Yoriv Skyl replaced him as Exarch on Bajor. (DS9 episode: "Cardassians", ST - Terok Nor novel: Dawn of the Eagles)
- The Exarch is the planetary governor of Komos appointed by Richese to rule at the discretion of the home government. The Exarch was given a small garrison, although the domination of Komos did not depend upon actual military force since Richese controlled Komos through the threat of force. The Exarch was charged with few responsibilities by the home government, but these were specific: 1) Ensure — the tribute; 2) Keep the peace. The order of these charges rejected the priorities of the government to Richese, since nothing was more important than the sow of grain and livestock from Komos.
- An exarch, from the Greek ἔξαρχος (exarchos), was the title given to a governor of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire who had extended authority in a province that was distant from the capital, Constantinople. The title came to be applied to a bishop of the Orthodox Church who was a deputy of a patriarch, a bishop who has authority over other bishops without being a patriarch, or a bishop who is appointed to lead a group of people that is not large or organized enough to be constituted an diocese/eparchy.
- Exarchs are beings of extraordinary power. Exarchs are often called demigods (but note that exarchs are not gods (as in Demigods) of demipower status (despite the name)) or heroes. Many are ascended mortal servants of greater gods, brought up from the world to serve as agents of their divine masters. Many, but not all, attract worshipers of their own, and they have some ability to grant spells, but are more often simply conduits from the mortal world to the attention of the higher gods. A Chosen is not the same as an exarch, though it is possible for a Chosen to ascend to the rank of exarch.
- The Exarchs are tyrannical Atlantean mages who ascended to the Supernal Realms by climbing the Celestial Ladder, which they then destroyed. Their ascension granted them godlike power, but the destruction of the Ladder wreaked enormous damage, allowing the Abyss to separate the Supernal Realms from the Fallen World and preventing most mortals from Awakening.
- Exarchs are regarded with both awe and revulsion by other Eldar. Awe, because Exarchs single-mindedly pursue a side of their nature which most Eldar fear to even contemplate. Revulsion, because the Exarchs have become trapped in the Warrior Aspect and are destined for a life of never-ending violence. An Exarch assumes the ancient name of the first Exarch associated with his Aspect Shrine. Each name is associated with a set of Exarch Armour the Exarch wears in battle. If the Exarch is killed, another Aspect Warrior of his Aspect Shrine may take the armour and the name, becoming his replacement. The same armour is worn by many successive Exarchs over thousands of Terran years. The Exarch breaks with his old life, continuing the legendary life of the single heroic identity represented by that
- Administrators of the provinces and other offices of the Kralori Empire
* Known Exarchs include:
* The Exarch of the South at the city of Lingting in Boshan
* The Exarch of the Gate at the city of Lungren Men in Boshan
* Boshi Bushi, exarch of Xie Dao in Modaings
* The White Exarch of Bai Fu in Jaubon
* The Blue Exarch of Xi Ting in Puchai
* An Exarch is reported for Baihu in Shiyang but his name and title is not given.
* The Exarch-Commandant of Justice is noted as issuing a seal for a Judge in the city of Yangku in Jaubon
* Historical Exarchs include:
* The Exarch of Righteous Harmony in Si Di of Puchai
* Spurious Exarchs include:
* Can Shu, the Exarch of Bliss in Ignorance
* The Invisible Exarch, rumoured head of the Red Flowe
- Exarchs are only encountered in Pandemonium Fortress and Nephalem Rifts. They are caster enemies, much like Morlu Incinerators. While they have a melee attack (in form of the cone of lightning that knocks enemies back), Exarchs try not to engage in combat with the player, moving away from the enemy quickly if given a chance. Instead they summon huge Lightning orbs that strike the large area with Lightning charges for 5 seconds, dealing increasing ticks of damage to everything within their effective range. These orbs' areas overlap, stacking damage infinitely.
- Exarchen werden häufiger auch als Halbgötter bezeichnet. Viele sind sterblicher Herkunft und wurden auserwählt oder bestimmt ihren göttlichen Meistern als Agenten zu dienen. Viele Exarchen können eigene Anhänger, Kirchen oder Orden ihr Eigen nennen, dennoch sind sie normalerweise oft sogar nur als Vermittler um die Sterblichen mit den Gottheiten, Höheren Gottheiten oder sogar den Primordialen zuverknüfen. Exarchen sind nicht in der Lage ihre eigene Ebene zu bilden. Sie sind normalerweise auf einer größeren Ebene beheimatet oder regieren ein Fürstentum oder bestimmte Regionen einer Existenzebene.
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| - *Zar Draya
*Forta Gair
*Jom Vanten
*Lesin Tyn
*Tarso Gren
*Andur Melor
*Shernisa Varless
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| - By stać się exarchem, draenei musi przejść trzy próby. Podczas każdej próby może im towarzyszyć maksymalnie jeden kompan. Paladyni draenei otrzymują Elekka Exarcha jako wierzchowca.
- An exarch was the title of an official used by the Cardassians and the Rakhari. In 2362, Kotan Pa'Dar was exarch of a Cardassian settlement on Bajor during the Occupation. (DS9: "Cardassians") Hadran was exarch of Rakhar's Nehelik Province in 2369. (DS9: "Vortex") The title of exarch originates from the Byzantine empire.
- Exarchen werden häufiger auch als Halbgötter bezeichnet. Viele sind sterblicher Herkunft und wurden auserwählt oder bestimmt ihren göttlichen Meistern als Agenten zu dienen. Viele Exarchen können eigene Anhänger, Kirchen oder Orden ihr Eigen nennen, dennoch sind sie normalerweise oft sogar nur als Vermittler um die Sterblichen mit den Gottheiten, Höheren Gottheiten oder sogar den Primordialen zuverknüfen. Exarchen sind nicht in der Lage ihre eigene Ebene zu bilden. Sie sind normalerweise auf einer größeren Ebene beheimatet oder regieren ein Fürstentum oder bestimmte Regionen einer Existenzebene. Zu den Exarchen zählen:
* Abbathor
* Arvoreen
* Baervan Wildwanderer
* Bahgtru
* Baravar Schattenmantel
* Brandobaris
* Callarduran Glatthand
* Clangeddin Silberbart
* Cyrrollalee
* Dugmaren Leuchtmantel
* Erevan Ilesere
* Fenmarel Mestarine
* Fzoul Chembryl
* Garagos
* Hoar
* Hruggek
* Jergal
* Lliira
* Maglubiyet
* Malar
* Marthammor Duin
* Milil
* Obould
* Die Rote Ritterin
* Sashelas der Tiefe
* Sharess
* Shargaas
* Shevarash
* Shiallia
* Siamorphe
* Solonor Thelandira
* Thard Harr
* Uthgar
* Valkur
* Vaprak
* Vergadain
- Exarchs are only encountered in Pandemonium Fortress and Nephalem Rifts. They are caster enemies, much like Morlu Incinerators. While they have a melee attack (in form of the cone of lightning that knocks enemies back), Exarchs try not to engage in combat with the player, moving away from the enemy quickly if given a chance. Instead they summon huge Lightning orbs that strike the large area with Lightning charges for 5 seconds, dealing increasing ticks of damage to everything within their effective range. These orbs' areas overlap, stacking damage infinitely. A single Exarch is nearly harmless, but a bunch of them, especially if assisted by Anarchs or Executioners, can make heroes' advance much more difficult. Before the orb starts dealing damage, there is a very brief delay, so with relocation skills, one can leave the area of effect in time.
- Exarchs are military governors and leaders, similar to generals combined with mayors.
- Exarch is a draenei title, apparently used for military leaders.
- The Exarchs are tyrannical Atlantean mages who ascended to the Supernal Realms by climbing the Celestial Ladder, which they then destroyed. Their ascension granted them godlike power, but the destruction of the Ladder wreaked enormous damage, allowing the Abyss to separate the Supernal Realms from the Fallen World and preventing most mortals from Awakening. The Exarchs supposedly hold a great deal of sway over the Fallen World, largely through the Seers of the Throne, who believe they are servants of the Exarchs. One of their major goals is blocking access to the Supernal Realms, in order to gain exclusive power over them. However, the more influence an Exarch's given Ministry holds over the Fallen World, the more power said Exarch has. The collective of the Exarchs manifests as Supernal symbols of oppression and inequality that, combined with the Abyss, are the fundament for the Lie. At any given time, there are four Exarchs that hold the title of Archigenitor. These Exarchs have the ability to bless their ministries with legacy-like powers that ignore the influence of the Lie, making them all the more powerful. But Archigenitors come and go depending on the events of the Fallen World, which makes the battle for supremacy all the more bloodthirsty among the Ministries. Below the Archigenitors and the Iron Seals that represent the Arcana, the Seers of the Throne populate choruses and legions of lesser Exarchs. They speak of 8 million recorded gods, seven legions of Arch-Ascended under every Seal, ruling 77 ochemata and 777 secret masters of the world, and even universes within each Exarch’s soul, huge enough to spawn infinite avatars.
- Exarch was the title granted to Knights of Zakuul who participated in and survived Project Exarch's enhancement process. The project took the best and most loyal Knights and enhanced them with biological and cybernetic upgrades, creating the "perfect" Knights. Each Exarch was given command of a Star Fortress, a Zakuulan battle station placed in orbit above a conquered world, which in turn essentially made them the ruler of the targeted world. Answering only to Emperor Arcann himself, the Exarchs adopted iconography related to the Old Gods of Zakuul, becoming quasi-religious leaders to their followers. Each Exarch carried personal shields and lightsaber pikes, and their armor was adapted to allow them to draw power from the Sun Generators that charged their respective Star Fortress.
- Exarchs are beings of extraordinary power. Exarchs are often called demigods (but note that exarchs are not gods (as in Demigods) of demipower status (despite the name)) or heroes. Many are ascended mortal servants of greater gods, brought up from the world to serve as agents of their divine masters. Many, but not all, attract worshipers of their own, and they have some ability to grant spells, but are more often simply conduits from the mortal world to the attention of the higher gods. The divine hierarchy of a deity has exarchs at the top, just under the deity, and other divine servitors under them (known as proxies in older editions) A Chosen is not the same as an exarch, though it is possible for a Chosen to ascend to the rank of exarch. An exarch can be any Chosen, Demigod, Saint, archangel, or being of power that pledges their service to a particular Deity. The exarch gains no additional powers from this relationship as they are normally of considerable power already to earn the position. For example, the druids of Gulthandor pay homage to the Lion God, but in reality the character's divine spells are being granted by Nobanion's patron, Silvanus. Unlike true deities, exarchs are not bound to live in Astral Dominions with their patrons. Like Nobanion, many choose to live on the Material Plane, more directly engaged in the lives of their mortal followers.
- Aan het begin van de 2360s was Kotan Pa'Dar de Exarch van een Cardassian nederzetting op Bajor gedurende de bezetting van Bajor. (DS9: "Cardassians") Hadran was Exarch van de Nehelik provincie op de planeet Rakhar in 2369. (DS9: "Vortex")