| - The Spectre Republic was born 13 March 2007, after the country of Alexica was torn into a civil war. The Alexican Civil War pitted the Alexican Liberators vs the Alexican Reformists, and the Reformists won power during a top secret military coup. The ruler, Black Dagger remained in power, but succumbed to pressure, made changes, and today the country is The Spectre Republic. The Spectre Republic celebrates all mainstream holidays as well as "Dia Del Curcios", or Day of the Curses, on 28 July every year.
| - The Spectre Republic was born 13 March 2007, after the country of Alexica was torn into a civil war. The Alexican Civil War pitted the Alexican Liberators vs the Alexican Reformists, and the Reformists won power during a top secret military coup. The ruler, Black Dagger remained in power, but succumbed to pressure, made changes, and today the country is The Spectre Republic. The Spectre Republic government is split into four parts, Internal Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Defense. Being a relatively powerful nation, The Spectre Republic runs an AID FOR TRADE program, offering cash for trades. The Spectre Republic has a growing network of Intelligence Agents. The Central Spook Agency (CSA) is the country's primary Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence agency. More and more Black Dagger is leaning on them to perform vital national security missions. The Spectre Republic's military is split into three groups: The Republican Air Force, RAF, which boasts state of the art equipment and Airmen, give The Spectre Republic air superiority in every battle! The Republican Marine Corps, RMC, and the Army of the Republic, AOR, boast powerful tanks and personnel ready to strike and occupy any nation. The Spectre Republic celebrates all mainstream holidays as well as "Dia Del Curcios", or Day of the Curses, on 28 July every year. The Spectre Republic runs constant surveillance and reconnaissance missions to protect itself from potential invaders. BATTLE HISTORY: The Spectre Republic was recently engaged against the nation Deceit of the Darkfall alliance, and Deceit proved to be a worthy adversary. Throughout the battle, the RAF lost 39 of their prized top of the line bombers and fighters, replacing their aircraft with older model aircraft for the remainder of the war. The RMC and AOR lost 42,603 fine men and 3,832 well equipped tanks.