| - Class: Bloodhunter Level: Queen's Nobleblood Knight Birthsign: The Traitor HP: 65/112 KP: 15/226 Flashtechs: 2 XP to Next Level: 202 Status Effects: Weak Morphine Addiction, Oni Mana Curse, Ribcage Damage, Sprained Knee, Infected Wounds Deaths: 4 37,800 Yen Tsurugi-no-Kusunagi Kitchen Knife M50 Police Issue Gasmask [1 Oxygen Canister] SOV-4000 Body Armor [Type V Bulletproof] Knight's Cloak [ Type IIIA Bulletproof] Thermos [Full] Akaga Gozoku Hira-Shuriken Threatening Note from Akaga Gozoku Road Map of Japan Walther P99AS (Suppressor, Aiming Light, Red Dot Sight, loaded) SIG Sauer P220 DAK (loaded) Nambu Model 60 (loaded) 9mm Soft-Point Magazines (x5) .45 ACP Magazine (x1) .38 Special Bullets (10) L109A1 Fragmentation Grenade (x3) M84 Stun Grenade (x2) AN-M14 Incendiary Grenade (x1) AN-M18 Smoke Grenade (x1) Fighting Style: Historical Fencing, Queensbury Rules, Self-Taught Uncommon Complexion: play dead convincingly Devil Trigger: slowly regenerate KP when below one tenth of HP Hematomancy: Level 4 (HP to KP) At level 4 Hematomancy, you can now convert 10 points of HP into 15 points of KP. Or, basically, the required HP is 2/3s of the wanted KP. Still hurts like hell. Your ability to convert HP (or your blood and bone marrow, I should say) into KP will really depend on your Occult Artes later on.Example, having a high Hydromancy in conjunction with Hematomancy will allow you to regenerate KP by touching a source of water, or in the case of Pyromancy, touching fire. You get the idea.You also get stuff for Hematomancy like regenerating KP as long as you stand still (er... meditate), but that's one of the very last ones. When higher levels are combined with Oneiroscopy, Hematomancy can also lead to sub-Soultechs such as Catoptromancy, which allow you to see the future in bodies of water or in flames, depending on your skill with the needed Occult Arte. Dririmancy: Level 4 (damage to KP) At level 2 Dririmancy, all damage you take is directly converted into KP. You still take the damage, but at least your KP pool will be filled up some. As you level it up, it can directly nullify damage and turn it into KP, absorb enemy spells into KP, and so on. But that's a ways away. At lower levels, only absorbs physical damage, and only against normal living creatures; zombies, demons, and ninjas don't count. Extispicy: Level 1 (absorb KP from defeated) At first, Extispicy only works on the recently killed, and it has to be those you've killed. You have to make bodily contact to absorb their mana into KP.Around midgame, you can passively absorb KP from graveyards, cemetaries, morgues, and crypts.By endgame, you can pretty much gain a temporary infinite KP mode as long as you're within the final 10% of your health. Your skill in Necromancy also has a pretty big effect on your Extispicy as well. Stareomancy: Level 1 (ability to combine Occult Artes successfully) Your ability to use different Occult Artes simultaneously without disasterous results. Allows you to go temporarily blind in your left eye, but while blind, you can see the spiritual energy of the world and objects around you. Useful for determining whether someone is possessed or not, a zombie, and lets you follow trails of supernatural activity. Unforunately, it... sort of messes with your depth perception. The higher the level, the better your ability to pick up on supernatural activity. However, if you come face-to-face with a source of power too strong, you can become temporarily blind both ways in your left eye- as in, unable to use the Soultech or see normally. In most older cultures, this ability is called the Evil Eye. 'Oneiroscopy': Locked Your ability to have foreshadowing dreams. Allows you to make decisions with a little more understanding of what will happen. Won't give you the exact details of the future, however. Around midgame, Oneiroscopy allows you to regenerage small amounts of KP during sleep. Lessens your chance of being assassinated while sleeping. However, at lower levels, this will cause some sleeping problems (talking in your sleep, headaches after waking up, etc.) that might negatively effect your stamina. Closely tied with Sciomancy. Allows you to greatly damage normal organic enemies by directly attacking their soul in the spiritual realm... their 'shadow', if you would. However, at low levels only Occult Artes can be used. When using this Soultech, your physical body is vulnerable, and if facing a spiritual power too strong you may be instantly killed. Closely tied with Photomancy. Allows you to fall into a coma-like state, using all your available energy for cellular regeneration and your immune system. While it helps you regain health quicker, it isn't a substitute for sleep- your body is working hard to heal itself.---Attributes--- Mesodermal Abilities- Cerebral Abilities- Abstract Reasoning: 31 Mental Stability: 71 Agility- Preflexes: 15 Endurance- Lung Capacity: 35 Pain Resistance: 42 Aerobic Respiration: 45 Speed- Short Distance: 28 Long Distance: 22 Social Abilities- Persona: 13 Presence: 26 ---Skills--- -Melee- Edged Two-Handed: 49 Blunt Two-Handed: 27 Blunt Long: 33 Blunt Medium: 24 Blunt Short: 21 Fist Weapon: 16 Hand-to-Hand: 45 -Range- Thrown Weapon, Small: 5 Thrown Weapon, Medium: 13 Thrown Weapon, Large: 18 Bow: 33 Crossbow: 21 Revolver: 11 Submachine Gun: 8 Shotgun: 15 Assault Rifle: 19 Grenade Launcher: 13 Rocket Launcher: 13 Explosives: 13 -Culinary Arts- Hot Beverage: 46 Cold Beverage: 24 Alcohol: 68 Soup/Stew/Curry/Chowder: 30 Seafood: 10 Meats: 37 Vegetables: 17 Grains: 30 Baking: 16 Dessert: 22 -Occult Arts- Alchemy: 14 Astromancy: 11 Lithomancy: 2 Hydromancy: 1 Ceraunoscopy: 5 -Vehicle- Motorcycle: 13 Car: 38 Van: 13 Truck: 21 Combat Vehicle (tank, APC, etc.): 8 Helicopter: 6 Plane: 8 Boat: 19 -Charisma- Threatening: 29 Provoking: 38 Bartering: 16 Inconspicuousness: 2 -Stealth- Lockpicking: 21 Pickpocketing: 8 Sneak Attacks: 32 -Science- Electronics: 11 Tracing: 2 Hacking: 3 Programming: 4 Repair: 13 -Medicinal Arts- Bonesetting: 17 Herbalism: 13 Resuscitation: 24---Techs---Ground Zero Breakdown: Level 1Zero Hour: Level 2Helm Splitter: Level 1Lance Kick: Level 3Shadowstep: Level 2Stinger: Level 3Gargoyle Fang: Level 2Templar's Mass: Level 2 One Man Sally (Chivalry Break): Level 2