| - Pexereca Tainer was a male Hudrelan Tetrarch of Mezlagob. Scion of a wealthy and influential Hudrelan family on Hudrel itself, Pexereca was the middle of three children. He and his siblings inherited the vast wealth their parents and previous generations had accumulated from the droid foundries and the Hudrel Robotics and Android Corporation. They were orphaned fairly young, but Tainer used his newfound wealth and influence to attend the University of Chorrdo on Mezlagob. Using the engineering degree he attained there, Tainer secured a position with the government research and development think tank at Baes. Wealth opened the doors for him to move in influential circles; the guidance and influences of powerful friends, coupled with careful application of bribes, enabled him to move into increasingly senior positions. Eventually he secured an appointment to the Tetrarchy Ministry of Defense. In the Ministry, Tainer secured contracts for both his former defense contractors on Baes and his family's old friends on Hudrel. Their support and influence brought him to the attention of the Tetrarchs themselves, and more than once they appointed him as their special representative to deal with various weapons foundries. When the reigning Hudrelan Tetrarch died in 96 ABY, the three survivors voted Tainer as the new Tetrarch. Tainer accepted generous bribes from the Corporation and other droid manufacturers in exchange for advocating their positions among the Tetrarchs, and his personal wealth swelled. He married a young Hudrelan female shortly after his coronation, although by 99 ABY he also had a Mezzel mistress. He was a close ally of Mezzel Tetrarch Idiian Gundo. When the Great Liberation began, Tainer was unconcerned, even after the Golden Empire took Wemod and several other systems in the Xoquon sector. On the advice of Admiral Garyth Quorr, he helped persuade his fellow Tetrarchs to divert defensive forces to Hudrel, and was rewarded when the Empire was defeated at the battle there. He led the Tetrarchy in commending Hudrel for its valor and assured the Corporation of new markets for its products once the Empire's systems were conquered. When the Empire surged back to an unexpected victory at Tizgo V, Tainer began to worry. The subsequent loss of the Vall`to sector and the death of Admiral Quorr rattled public confidence and sent the economy into a tailspin. After agreeing to the election of Catel Embri to replace the dead Dronos Tetrarch Dourshe, Tainer went home to Hudrel in an effort to calm the populace and root out those who might be expressing pro-Empire sentiment. After a meeting with several panicked corporate heads, he was conferring with advisors in his private suite when they were accosted by Zaractok Centurion Aquila Corcer. Before the Hudrelans could do more than scream for help, the Zaractok drew his lightsaber and struck them down, killing Tainer with a lightsaber blow across the chest and through the heart.