| - The Netgun itself is a small, handheld device. It fires a bundled net that rapidly expands as it leaves the weapon's barrel. The net itself travels at great speed, capable of hurling a target across the room upon contact, ideally pinning them to a nearby surface. Once pinned, the prey is then an easy target for the Predator; one common tactic used by juveniles is to pin their target with their Netgun before using their Speargun to kill them. The metallic net itself also acts as a weapon — once attached to a surface or wrapped around a target it will automatically tighten, carving into the flesh of anything caught inside, causing grievous if non-fatal wounds. The net is essentially impossible to cut with readily available equipment, although the Yautja Smart Disc is known to be able to slice a net open. They are also not impervious to Xenomorph blood as with many other Yautja weapons, and so are ineffective at trapping the creatures, although they may still be used to temporarily restrain Xenomorphs during heated confrontations. It is not clear how a Predator reloads his Netgun, although it seems likely that some form of cartridge mechanism is used, as manually reloading a net would be both difficult and time-consuming, and a cartridge reload would also provide a fresh net should one be damaged or destroyed during use. When not in use the Netgun is usually stored on the Yautja's leg armor.