| - Ria is one of the worlds outside of the Nine Realms under Asgardian protection.
- Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiRia – cesarski, najnowszy członek Towarzyszy. Wraz z innymi Towarzyszami mieszka w Jorrvaskr.
- Ria was inspired by a companion of the same name, who appeared in the fan-produced, unlicensed Audio Visuals audio plays, in which she was played by Patricia Merrick.
- Ria appears on the "Alarm Call" level of the "Guthix Awakens" campaign, Where she conducts a ritual to awaken Guthix alongside the other four druidic leaders Atrew, Rief, and Thera. It is unknown what happens to her after the ritual. She is now presumably deceased. Unlike the druids in modern RuneScape, she wears a green robe instead of a white one.
- Ria is an Imperial native to the providence of Skyrim and the newest member of the Companions in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Like the other members, she resides in Jorrvaskr in Whiterun. She is voiced by Colleen Delany, whom also voices Lydia .
- Ria is a 2014 British American Music hall Musical Black Comedy, Dramedy starring Glenn Close, Angelina Jolie, Brie Larson, Katie Holmes, Ryan Gosling, Chris Pine, Scarlet Johansson, Amy Adams, Zooey Deschanel, Corinne Bae Riley, Arthur Darvill, Emilia Clarke, Lily Allen and Robert Downey Jr. The film is inspired by the likes of such classics as Cabaret, West Side Story, Singing In The Rain, An American Dream and Chicago. The film was a huge critical success upon its' theatrical release on
- Ria was a female Twi'lek smuggler and contraband dealer who operated out of the city of Narmle on Rori during the time of the Galactic Civil War.
- Ria es una mujer de raza imperial residente en Carrera Blanca durante los acontecimientos de The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
- [Source] Ria était un général de l'Alliance Rebelle. Il fit partie des officiers supervisant l'Opération Fracture depuis le Grand Temple Massassi sur Yavin 4 avec le général Davits Draven et l'amiral Raddus.
- Ria ist eine weibliche Rekrutin der Gefährten in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Sie lebt in der Methalle Jorrvaskr in Weißlauf. Nach dem Abschluss der Gefährtenquestreihe steht sie dem Drachenblut als Begleiter und Heiratskandidat bereit. Man kann ihr begegnen wenn man zum ersten Mal nach Weißlauf geht. Sie kämpft mit Farkas und Aela gegen einen Riesen. Außerdem ist sie manchmal mit anderen Gefährten in der Wildnis anzutreffen.
- Rich Internet applications (RIAs) are web applications that have the features and functionality of traditional desktop applications. RIAs typically transfer the processing necessary for the user interface to the web client but keep the bulk of the data (i.e. the state of the program, the data, etc.) back on the application server. RIAs typically do the following:
* run in a web browser, or do not require software installation
* run locally in a secure environment called a sandbox
- Ria was a Guthixian druidess active during the late God Wars who specialised in air magic. She is mentioned in the Memorial of Guthix through the echo of the Sword of Edicts. Ria also appears on the "Alarm Call" level of the "Guthix Awakens" campaign of the FunOrb strategy game, Armies of Gielinor. During this level, she conducts the awakening ritual mentioned in the Sword of Edicts echo alongside Atrew, Rief, and Thera. The ritual pulls Guthix from his first slumber. After the God Wars she and her aerial powers became part of the Balance Elemental along with the other three druidic leaders and the World Guardian Aeternam.