| - This is the song that Reisha used to sing as a lullaby to Luca when she was very small, and it was left to her as a keepsake from Luca's true mother: the Maiden Arshe. However, this song hides a couple of large secrets: first, what Reisha used to sing is merely the first half, while the second half was passed down among the people of Kanakana Pier. Both parts are known as the Key of Homura and the Key of Mio: they are separate songs that share the same melody, which when combined are used to unlock Nenesha's Heart of the Land, which was hidden away by Infel in the Moon Culvert 400 years ago. Likewise, Infel was the original creator of this song, and it was according to her will that later it was split in two halves that were handed down by separate people, with the single Hymmnos line in it acting as the dividing line between both halves. Aside of this, it also has the role of fleshing out the world of Metafalss by being an image song for it. It was sung by Reisha at several points in Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica, the most poignant ones being the introduction, and when she sang it combining both the Key of Homura and the Key of Mio (the full song) to unlock the Heart of the Land at the Moon Culvert.