| - Unerwartet kommt es zwischen Richard und Celine zu einem Kuss. Doch im Gegensatz zu Richard will Celine den Ausrutscher nicht verschweigen. Während Richard deshalb gezwungen ist, Simone gegenüber seinen Fehltritt zu gestehen, wird Celine mit Maximilians tiefer Verzweiflung konfrontiert. Juli fühlt sich von Oliver im Stich gelassen und ergreift harte Konsequenzen in Sachen "Maximum". Als Oliver ihr daraufhin vorwirft, nicht mehr sie selbst zu sein, befürchtet Juli, Oliver zu verlieren. Annette fällt es schwer, zur Produktion aufzubrechen. Schließlich hat sie sich gerade erst wieder mit Ingo versöhnt. Aber Ingo hilft ihr, den Trennungsschmerz zu überwinden...
- [[Plik:Wiatraczna (przystanek, autobus 702).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Ikarus 280.58 na linii 702 na pętli Wiatraczna]] 702 – linia autobusowa zwykła strefowa (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje na trasie z Wiatracznej do Urzędu Miasta (Otwock). Linię obsługuje zajezdnia autobusowa Ostrobramska.
- Believing he knows the location of the Collins family jewels, Sandor, the gypsy, walks into the mausoleum, opens the secret room, and enters. He recalls Magda's words, and breaks the chains loose with his sword and opens the lid. The hand of Barnabas Collins reaches out and grabs his throat. Having risen from his coffin, Barnabas stares at Sandor who appears quite frightened, exclaiming, “you’re dead!” Sandor draws his sword on Barnabas to defend himself before Barnabas smiles, showing his fangs. Sandor then drops his sword, and pleads as Barnabas closes in on him, fangs bared.
| - Unerwartet kommt es zwischen Richard und Celine zu einem Kuss. Doch im Gegensatz zu Richard will Celine den Ausrutscher nicht verschweigen. Während Richard deshalb gezwungen ist, Simone gegenüber seinen Fehltritt zu gestehen, wird Celine mit Maximilians tiefer Verzweiflung konfrontiert. Juli fühlt sich von Oliver im Stich gelassen und ergreift harte Konsequenzen in Sachen "Maximum". Als Oliver ihr daraufhin vorwirft, nicht mehr sie selbst zu sein, befürchtet Juli, Oliver zu verlieren. Annette fällt es schwer, zur Produktion aufzubrechen. Schließlich hat sie sich gerade erst wieder mit Ingo versöhnt. Aber Ingo hilft ihr, den Trennungsschmerz zu überwinden...
- [[Plik:Wiatraczna (przystanek, autobus 702).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Ikarus 280.58 na linii 702 na pętli Wiatraczna]] 702 – linia autobusowa zwykła strefowa (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje na trasie z Wiatracznej do Urzędu Miasta (Otwock). Linię obsługuje zajezdnia autobusowa Ostrobramska.
- Believing he knows the location of the Collins family jewels, Sandor, the gypsy, walks into the mausoleum, opens the secret room, and enters. He recalls Magda's words, and breaks the chains loose with his sword and opens the lid. The hand of Barnabas Collins reaches out and grabs his throat. Having risen from his coffin, Barnabas stares at Sandor who appears quite frightened, exclaiming, “you’re dead!” Sandor draws his sword on Barnabas to defend himself before Barnabas smiles, showing his fangs. Sandor then drops his sword, and pleads as Barnabas closes in on him, fangs bared. Magda, the other gypsy, stands at the front door of Collinwood, reflecting on how this may be the last time she enters the house. Just as she enters the house, Quentin Collins comes up from behind her and wraps his hands around her neck. She escapes his grip and threatens to tell Edith about the attack. He tells her she has come a long way in the world to be on a first name basis with Grandmama. Quentin informs her that she will help him or next time he will hurt her worse. Quentin tells her that she controls Edith according to both Judith and Beth. Quentin tells Magda that he will give her 1/10 of his inheritance, after his Grandmama dies, if she will impress upon Edith Collins how much Quentin has changed. Magda tells him that not even her cards cannot lie enough to convince Edith that Quentin has changed. Barnabas, with blood on his lips, asks Sandor basic questions, such as his name and where he lives. When Sandor tells Barnabas that he lives at "At the old house," Barnabas asks what year it is, and Sandor truthfully tells him that it is 1897. Barnabas says he must find Quentin, and Sandor tells him Quentin arrived tonight. When Barnabas asks where Quentin arrived from, Sandor says he does not know, but he "shipped out" about a year ago. Barnabas realizes he has traveled back in time, but is unaware of how this will help him find David. Barnabas instructs Sandor to get him clothes that match the time period. When Sandor refuses, he tells him not only will he do this, but he will protect, and tell no one how he found him. Sandor repeats this in a trance-like state. While Barnabas tries to figure out what is going on in 1969 with Julia and Professor Stokes he mutters that he must find out all he can about Quentin and Beth. Sandor recognizes Beth's name and asks what he knows about her. Sandor says she works at Collinwood, and that is all. Barnabas says she is in love with Quentin, which Sandor does not believe. Barnabas tells Sandor he is from another time, which puzzles Sandor. Sandor tries to resist Barnabas, but Barnabas reminds him that, as a gypsy, he knows what will happen to him if he tries. As Magda is leaving Collinwood, Quentin comes out from his hiding place in the foyer and questions Magda on what she talked about with Edith. Magda tells him she just read the cards. Quentin tells her that when Edith dies, Magda will need friends, otherwise she will have to leave. Magda seems nonplussed about this, but Quentin tells her she has forgotten how hard life on the road can be. Magda confirms that Quentin did appear in the reading, and Quentin asks if she likes him better now. He asks if Edith told her the secret, but Magda does not answer. As they are talking, Judith Collins comes down the staircase and begins to fight with Quentin, pausing to tell Magda to leave, not waiting for the door to close before saying she cannot abide "that woman". Judith asks Quentin into the drawing room and closes the door so that Beth will not listen, saying she and all the rest listen at the door. Judith tells Quentin that "they are all against her". Judith asks Quentin what Grandmama told him and hopes she was not upset. Judith accuses Quentin of being disloyal to the family, and Quentin asks why they never could get along. Judith informs Quentin that she will give him 1,500 dollars, $1000 in cash and a check for the rest, if he will leave and never return. She tells him it is more than he will get in Edith's will. Quentin refuses, telling her that Edward would not approve because he could spend that much money in one night, even in Collinsport and return tomorrow. Quentin demands that Jamison be awakened so that Quentin may give him a present. Judith asks Quentin if he will leave if Jamison requests him to. Quentin agrees, if Jamison can convince him he wants him to leave. Judith agrees to wake Jamison only if he is telling the truth. Barnabas and Sandor go to the Old House. Barnabas tells Sandor he has lived here twice. As Barnabas looks around the parlor, he notices that it is in shambles and reflects on how the house used to be so much nicer. Jamison comes down to the drawing room where, Quentin gives him a miniature boat, named The Jamison Collins. At the sight of Judith, Jamison becomes frightened and exclaims that he refuses to tell Quentin to go away. As Quentin gloats, Judith accuses Quentin of returning not for his Grandmama, but “to finish ruining Jamison.” Sandor is sitting in the Old House parlor with his hand over his neck, looking into the crystal ball when Magda enters and immediately asks Sandor about the jewels. When Sandor tells Magda that he didn’t find the jewels, she tells him she went to the secret room of the mausoleum and saw the empty coffin and they must have been there. Barnabas comes up from behind and tells the gypsy she is wrong. Magda immediately becomes frightened when she realizes that it is Barnabas Collins, whom she recognizes from the portrait in the hall of Collinwood. Barnabas, however, informs her that he is quite alive and he will be living at the Old House. He asks where the portrait above the fireplace has been moved to and asks if they have pawned it. He next asks who is sleeping in Josette's room, and when Magda says she is, tells her he will not have it. At this point Magda insists that she will not tolerate Barnabas' behavior unless Edith informs her otherwise and she intends to go now and ask her. Sandor steps in to stop the argument, but as they are arguing, a knock is heard on the door. Barnabas tells her to answer the door and do not mention him, and Sandor implores Magda to do it. Barnabas quickly hides behind the basement door as Magda goes to see who is knocking. As she opens the front door, Quentin enters the Old House. Quentin asks about Magda’s session with his grandmother. Quentin immediately suspects something, but they wave it off as Magda being tired. Quentin mentions his offer to Magda, which Sandor obviously has not been told about. Magda says she cannot discuss it tonight and they ask Quentin to leave. Magda and Sandor argue over Quentin's offer and Barnabas. Magda tells Sandor that Barnabas "has the mark of death on him" and tries to pull Sandor's hand away from his neck. When she finally does, she sees the marks on his neck and Sandor runs away. She then turns to Barnabas, points at him, and exclaims, “Vampire!”