The electricity doesn't quite complete the circuit with this one, if you get the meaning. Road Pig is brutish and moronic -- he wasn't assigned the duty of "Autobot Harassment" because the role needed to be filled, but because it was probably the only function he was capable of completing. This thug is even unpopular among his fellow Decepticons. His fellow soldiers tolerate him because they can count on Road Pig to annoy their enemies in combat, and maybe take some fire instead of them, but they know he's not helping them intentionally: Road Pig just can't stop being a pain-in-the-manifold. With no known friends and a function that just invites the Autobots to shoot at him, it's a wonder he's lasted this long. As Omega Supreme might say, "Processing circuitry: slow; Intelligence: minimal.
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| - The electricity doesn't quite complete the circuit with this one, if you get the meaning. Road Pig is brutish and moronic -- he wasn't assigned the duty of "Autobot Harassment" because the role needed to be filled, but because it was probably the only function he was capable of completing. This thug is even unpopular among his fellow Decepticons. His fellow soldiers tolerate him because they can count on Road Pig to annoy their enemies in combat, and maybe take some fire instead of them, but they know he's not helping them intentionally: Road Pig just can't stop being a pain-in-the-manifold. With no known friends and a function that just invites the Autobots to shoot at him, it's a wonder he's lasted this long. As Omega Supreme might say, "Processing circuitry: slow; Intelligence: minimal.
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| - The electricity doesn't quite complete the circuit with this one, if you get the meaning. Road Pig is brutish and moronic -- he wasn't assigned the duty of "Autobot Harassment" because the role needed to be filled, but because it was probably the only function he was capable of completing. This thug is even unpopular among his fellow Decepticons. His fellow soldiers tolerate him because they can count on Road Pig to annoy their enemies in combat, and maybe take some fire instead of them, but they know he's not helping them intentionally: Road Pig just can't stop being a pain-in-the-manifold. With no known friends and a function that just invites the Autobots to shoot at him, it's a wonder he's lasted this long. As Omega Supreme might say, "Processing circuitry: slow; Intelligence: minimal." French name: Graisseux ("Greasy") Italian name: Molock Japanese name: Road Big (ロードビッグ, roo-do-bi-ggu)