Erur-Dan was one of the former Incarnates of the Nerevarine. As a failed incarnate, he resides in the Cavern of the Incarnate to help the present Incarnate of the Nerevarine during the main quest.
Erur-Dan was one of the former Incarnates of the Nerevarine. As a failed incarnate, he resides in the Cavern of the Incarnate to help the present Incarnate of the Nerevarine during the main quest.
Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiErur-Dan – postać występująca w The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
Erur-Dan was one of the former Incarnates of the Nerevarine. As a failed incarnate, he resides in the Cavern of the Incarnate to help the present Incarnate of the Nerevarine during the main quest.
Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiErur-Dan – postać występująca w The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.