| - Smash Japan is a blog started by one of our own where he reviews things, and generally rages at them. It's text only, but still worth reading. Particular targets of Sean's ire include the dub of Ponyo On a Cliff By The Sea and Gundam Seed.
* Accentuate the Negative - Usually. Out of the three posts where he's mentioned another work, one of which was an outright rant, he's had a 2:1 bad-review-to-good-review ratio, although admittedly he picked easy targets for the bad ones.
* Caustic Critic - When Sean doesn't like something, he writes full essays on its suckage.
* Cluster F-Bomb - Avoided, unlike other Caustic Critics.
* Did Not Do the Research – He stated in his review of Gundam SEED Astray R that Mobile Suits are only mecha mook. It was a review of manga that was a tie-in to series called Mobile Suit Gundam Seed.
* He Panned It, Now He Sucks - Sean fully expects this to occur with his Gundam SEED Astray R review.
* Schedule Slip - Due to reviewer's block and H 1 N 1, Sean has had trouble updating lately.
* Self-Deprecation
* Subbing Versus Dubbing - Sean explicitly doesn't take a side in this Flame War, in spite of loathing the Ponyo dub.