| - From the moment you first wear this item, you receive a 1% boost on Hunter, Herblore, and Farming experience for 30 minutes. The boost percentage stacks with the witchdoctor mask (2%), and witchdoctor robes (2%). This experience boost can be renewed each week by catching every god jadinko, and the bonus experience lasts for 1 hour from the time you talk to Papa Mambo. When you have at least one vine of every Jadinko (not including Saradomin, Guthix, & Zamorak), Papa Mambo will grant you with some knowledge in your choice of one of Hunter, Farming or Herblore, as well as giving you either these or witchdoctor robes, at random. You can receive one of these per week, in addition to the witchdoctor mask by catching all three god jadinkos. This item can be stored in the armour case of a player's Costume room along with the witchdoctor robes and witchdoctor mask. All three items are stored together. The Herblore Habitat rewards reset every Wednesday at 0:00 UTC, at which point players have the ability to obtain the other article of the Witchdoctor set.
- From the moment you first wear this item, you receive a 1% boost on Hunter, Herblore, and Farming experience for 30 minutes. The boost percentage stacks with the witchdoctor mask (2%), and witchdoctor robes (2%). This experience boost can be renewed each week by catching every god jadinko, and the bonus experience lasts for 1 hour from the time you talk to Papa Mambo. When you have at least one vine of every Jadinko (not including Saradomin, Guthix, & Zamorak), Papa Mambo will grant you with some knowledge in your choice of one of Hunter, Farming or Herblore, as well as giving you either these or witchdoctor robes, at random. You can receive one of these per week, in addition to the witchdoctor mask by catching all three god jadinkos. This item can be stored in the armour case of a player's Costume room along with the witchdoctor robes and witchdoctor mask. All three items are stored together. Note: The Herblore Habitat rewards reset every Wednesday at 0:00 UTC, at which point players have the ability to obtain the other article of the Witchdoctor set.