| - *Ian Abercrombie as Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious and Pirate #2
*Tim Curry as Palpatine/Darth Sidious
*Omid Abtahi as Cadet Amis and Mandalorian super commando
*David Acord as EV-A4-D, Kowakian Monkey, Pune Zignat, LEP-86C8, Captain Gray, Rotta, Brainee, LEP servent droids, Albee Dewaw, Jimba, Pit Droid, C-21 Highsinger, Police Officer, and Mandalorian super commando
*Jeff Anderson as Smug
*Cas Anvar as Peteen and Frangawl Cult Leader
*Pernilla August as Shmi
*Dee Bradley Baker as clone troopers, Onaconda Farr, Pilf Mukmuk, Pirate Guard #2, Thi-Sen, Robonino, Ord Enisence, Bolla Ropal, Queen Karina, Almec's scout, Admiral Trench Clone Cadet Jax, Bossk, Thug #2, aqua droids, [Toydarian Minister #2, Tee Va, Guard #1, Superintendent, Secret Service officer, GL-916, Arok the Hutt, Mot-Not Rab, Ratch, Feral, Knox, Toydarian Guard #1, torture droid, Admiral Coburn, TZ-33, Sochek, Goron, Mon Cala Commander, Quarren Soldier #2, Quarren Guard, Saesee Tiin, Monnk, Kindalo, Male Patitite #2, Rider #1, Togruta, Zygerrian Technician, Quarren, Nikto Guard, Kage Warriors, Citizen, Rebel, Byph, Pirates, Navigator, Dr. Gubacher, Aut-O, Russo-ISC, Police Officer, Younger Muun, Sith Snakes, and Sith Warriors]*Gregory Baldwin as Tera Sinube, Police Droid, Aqualish, Casiss, Seripas, Gwarm, Doge Urus, Dugs, Moogan captain, Mandalorian, Customs Officer, and Pirate
*Rajia Baroudi as Queen Miraj Scintel
*Bob Bergen as Lama Su
*Gregg Berger as Kalani, Rebel, and Citizen
*Blair Bess as Even Piell
*Ahmed Best as Jar Jar Binks, Toydarian defense minister, Boss Lyonie, Prisoner #2, Clan Member, and Dagoyan Master
*Larry Brandenburg as Bric
*Victor Brandt as Keeper Agruss
*Tim Brock as TB-2
*Clancy Brown as Savage Opress, Nightbrother #3, Human Bounty Hunter, and Mandalorian super commando
*Corey Burton as Count Dooku, Senate Guard, Senator Kharrus, Pirate Guard #1, Mar Tuuk, TX-20, Nilim Bril, Gobi Glie, Cad Bane, Ziro the Hutt, Shahan Alama, Analyzer Droid, Warrior #1, Mandalorian Bomber, Service Droid, Aramis, Pirate, Bartender, Sib Canay, Chairman Papanoida, Dr. Zaz, Siddiq, Senate Guard #1, Helios-3E, J0-N0, Nix Card, Engineer, Chata Hyoki, Driver, Ky Narec, Halsey, Nightbrother #1, Nossor Ri, Mon Cala Soldier #3, Gungan Soldier #1, Governor Roshti, Zygerrian Guard #1, Battle droid 513, Bec Lawise, Medical Droid, Karkarodon Thug, Sixtat, Loubo, Citizen, Rebel, Oruba the Hutt, Death Watch Guard, Ziton Moj, Armatan, Sith Snake, and Sith Warrior
*Artt Butler as Captain Ackbar,
*Terrence Carson as Mace Windu, and Toydarian justice minister, Senator Aang, Alien, Mon Cala Soldier #1, Bartender, Goru, Pirate #1, Witness #1, Cultist, and Council Member
*Greg Cipes as Zatt
*Cam Clarke as O-Mer
*George Coe as Tee Watt Kaa
*Georgina Cordova as Ganodi
*Jim Cummings as Hondo Ohnaka, Morlimur Snugg, Rebel, Citizen, and Pirate
*Olivia d'Abo as Luminara Unduli
*Anthony Daniels as C-3PO
*Barry Dennen as King Ramsis Dendup, Rebel, and Citizen
*Flo DiRe as Jocasta Nu
*Ben Diskin as Krismo Sodi, Guard, Otua Blank, Morley, WAC-47, and AZI-3
*Robin Atkin Downes as Pantoran Guard, Cham Syndulla, Rush Clovis, Castas, Ima-Gun Di, Toydarian Minister #1, Cin Drallig, Muun, Aqualish Senator, and Elderly Muun
*Ashley Eckstein as Ahsoka Tano, Village Child, Twi'lek dancer #1, K2-B4, Togruta, Female Patron, Kiera Swan, Marwigo, and Aleena
*Chris Edgerly as Eeth Koth
*Greg Ellis as Turk Falso
*Gideon Emery as Lott Dod, Mee Deechi, Toydarian guard, Gotal, and Kerch Kushi
*Jon Favreau as Pre Vizsla
*Dave Fennoy as Pong Krell
*Dave Filoni as Embo, Jakoli, Black Sun Leader #2, Enforcer, Tour Guide Droid, and Spots Podal
*Jeff Fischer as Petro and Parsel
*Nika Futterman as Asajj Ventress, Shaeeah Lawquane, Chi Eekway Papanoida, TC-70, Sy Snootles, Gardulla, Nightsister, Female Alien, Raydonian Mother, Dono, Citizen, and Rebel
*Dawn-Lyen Gardner as Steela Gerrera, Rebel, and Citizen
*Kathleen Gati as Old Daka and Nightsister
*Brian George as King Katuunko, Chairman Chi Cho, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Male Twi'lek, and Silman
*Jeffrey Goldman as Baker droid
*Barbara Goodson as Mother Talzin and Nightsister
*Clare Grant as Latts Razzi
*Anna Graves as Satine Kryze, Sugi, Rumi Paramita, Minister of Finance, Senator Meena Tills, Droid, Tiplar, Tiplee, Teckla Minnau, and Kin Robb
*Richard Green as Lo-Taren and Krix
*Seth Green as Todo 360 and Ion Papanoida
*Olivia Hack as Katooni and Aleena
*Jennifer Hale as Aayla Secura, Senator Riyo Chuchi, Lolo Purs, and Trella Bare'Ah
*Zach Hanks as Garnac
*Whit Hertford as Cadet Korkie and Mandalorian super commando
*Julian Holloway as Prime Minister Almec, Admiral Kilian, and Guard #2,
*BJ Hughes as Jar Jar Binks
*Nick Jameson as Darts D'Nar
*Tom Kane as Yoda, Narrator, Admiral Wullf Yularen, TX-21, Police Captain, Orderly, Secret Service officer, Twi'lek punk, Mon Cala, Major Rigosso, Oked, Police Officer, Balnab Bounty Hunter, Sabo, Pirate, Mr. Borkus, Police Captain, Kraken, and Guard
*David Kaufman as Jaybo Hood
*David Kaye as General Tandin, Rebel, and Citizen
*Tom Kenny as Nute Gunray, Silood, Nahdar Vebb, Lt. Tan Divo, and Trade Federation envoy
*Jaime King as Aurra Sing, Cassie Cryar, Muk Muk Monkey, Customs Droid, Luce, and Nightsister
*Andrew Kishino as Saw Gerrera, Rebel, Citizen, and Priestesses
*Phil LaMarr as Kit Fisto, Tactical Droid, Amit Noloff, Orn Free Taa, Philo, Bail Organa, TI-99, TX-20, Senate Guard #2, Gume Saam, Alderaan Guard, Brother Lemcke, Quarren Soldier #1, Clu Lesser, and Muun Judge
*Matt Lanter as Anakin Skywalker, TV-94, Bounty Hunter #2, Mandalorian Guard, Thug #1, TV-94B, Secret Service officer, Droid, Ratter, Clutch, Mon Cala Soldier #2, Gungan Soldier #2, Tuktee, Prisoner, Jiro, Lead Deputy, Okalin, Citizen, Lom, and Witness #2
*Daniel Logan as Boba Fett and Clone Cadets
*Sunil Malhotra as Jinx
*James Marsters as Captain Argyus
*James Mathis III as Captain Typho and Medical Droid
*Adam McArthur as Prince Lee-Char
*Jameelah McMillan as Queen Neeyutnee, Mahtee Dunn, RO-Z67, computer voice, and Halle Burtoni
*Alec Medlock as Wag Too
*Ashley Moynihan as Cadet Soniee and Teckla Minnau
*Paul Nakauchi as Savatte
*Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon Jinn
*Nolan North as El-Les
*Simon Pegg as Dengar
*Ron Perlman as Gha Nachkt
*Angelique Perrin as Adi Gallia, SN-D1, BO-N1, MF-80, Mama, Chorus Girl, and Talia,
*Cara Pifko as Suu Lawquane, Dr. Sionver Boll, TJ-912, Naa'leth, Orphne, and Nightsister
*Greg Proops as Tal Merrik
*Kevin Michael Richardson as Jabba the Hutt, Gorga the Hutt, Droogan, Marlo, Hay-Zu, CS-321, Pirate #1, Hutt Henchman, and Black Sun Leader #1
*Al Rodrigo as Quinlan Vos
*Ian Ruskin as Finis Valorum
*Katee Sackhoff as Bo-Katan
*Meredith Salenger as Barriss Offee, Ione Marcy, Che Amanwe Papanoida, Twi'lek dancer #2, and Pluma Sodi
*Gary Scheppke as TA-175
*Matthew Senreich as Bartender
*Lloyd Sherr as The Father
*Ami Shukla as Queen Julia
*Kath Soucie as Jek Lawquane, Mon Mothma, Mina Bonteri, and Maiden #1
*Jason Spisak as Lux Bonteri, Christo, Zinn Paulness, Coruscant Guard, Rebel, Citizen, and Pirate
*Stephen Stanton as Mas Amedda, Death Watch Trooper, Dilanni, Pirate Scout, Senator, Mak Plain, Edcel Bar Gane, Brother Viscus, Nightbrother #3, Toydarian Guard #2, Captain Tarkin, Moralo Eval, Alien Bartender, Naboo Guard, Colonel Meebur Gascon, Police Officer, Jedi Temple Guard, Jay Igno, Medical Droid, and Core Muun #1
*Catherine Taber as Padmé Amidala, BD-3000 luxury droid, Angel, Numa, Minister, Voe Atell, Karis, Female Aleena, Female Patitite, servant girl, observation droid, Tryla, Nightsister, Female Rebel #1, Female Rebel #2, BNI-393, Aleena, Quarren Senator, and Rig Nema
*George Takei as Lok Durd
*Fred Tatasciore as Tarpals
*James Arnold Taylor as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon, Weequay Henchman, Pantoran Assembly Representative, TJ-55, Tactical Droid #2, Tae Boon, computer voice, TC-326, Warrior #2, Pirate Trooper, Fong Do, Thug #3, Computer, Admiral Dao, Pirate #1, Osi Sobeck, Katt Mol, Lagon, Prisoner #1, King Manchucho, Male Aleena, Male Patitite #1, Rider #2, Zygerrian auctioneer, slave, Zygerrian Gunner, Rako Hardeen, Bartender, Pilot, Aleena, Police Officer, Core Muun #2, Dagoyan Master, and Joseph
*Ryan Templeton as Cadet Lagos
*David Tennant as Huyang
*Kevin Thoms as Dar
*Kirk Thornton as King Sanjay Rash, Rebel, and Citizen
*Tasia Valenza as Shaak Ti
*Ricardo Mamood Vega as Atai Molec
*Kari Wahlgren as Letta Turmond
*Adrienne Wilkinson as The Daughter
*Gary Anthony Williams as Riff Tamson
*Sam Witwer as The Son, Darth Maul, Weequay Bounty Hunter, and Alien
*Matthew Wood as battle droids, General Grievous, TF-1726, Wat Tambor, HELIOS-3D, Senate Guards #1 & #3, commando droids, Poggle the Lesser, Bounty Hunter #1, Bannamu, Hotel Attendant, Tactical Droid, Tagoo, Pirate #2, Derrown, MagnaGuard, SG-1984, and Onderon Rebel #1
*Gwendoline Yeo as Nala Se, Bettie-Bot VJ, Peppi Bow, Cato Parasitti, and Kalifa
*Michael York as Nuvo Vindi