| - Wood ear mushrooms (Auricularia auricula) commonly grow wild in many areas of the world, and may be cultivated for commercial use almost entirely in China. Wood ear mushroom is also known as Tree Ear and Black Fungus and their original name is Auricularia Polytricha. Wood ear mushrooms grows especially in humid climates and has a dark brown to black color. The name that this type of mushrooms has, wood ear, comes from their weird form; they grow like ears out of the tree. These mushrooms have a solid, substantial skin with a somewhat crusty texture and earthy taste. Wood ear mushrooms are very used as special ingredients for the oriental soups. Due to their crunchy texture and its gentle aroma these mushrooms go perfectly with any kind of meat mostly with pork meat. The use of wood ear mushrooms is very popular in Chinese cuisine because they are considered to be a good remedy against breathing and circulation problems. Asian people believe that these mushrooms may prolong life and they can maintain a healthy life if consuming these mushrooms. A type of mushroom that resembles a large ear when it is fresh and grows as large as half a foot. The surface of the mushroom is purplish-gray in color and the flesh is a dark purplish gray to almost black in color. It has very little flavor, but is used mainly for its firm, gelatinous texture and for the color. With a firm, almost rubbery texture, it may be best to slice it into small bits in order to make it more easily chewed and digested. The mushroom is available both fresh and dried. The Wood Ear mushroom is also known as a Judas' Ear and Tree Ear mushroom. A variety of mushroom also known as tree ear (the larger, thicker specimens). They have a slightly crunchy texture and delicate, almost bland flavor that more often than not absorbs the taste of the more strongly flavored ingredients with which they are cooked. Asian markets sell fresh and dried wood ears, the latter of which, except for the albino varieties, look like brownish-black, dried chips. Upon reconstituting they increase 5 to 6 times in size and resemble the shape of an ear. Wood ears are popular in Stir-fries and soups. Small, dried, black fungi (about ½-inch across) valued for their chewy and crunchy texture and ability to absorb other flavors. They grow out of tree trunks, giving the visual impression of floppy ears, thus their name.