| - Prostitute is one of the Skills Civilians can choose from in CrazyBobs.
- A prostitute is a person who provides sexual services to another person in return for payment. Prostitution is one of the manifestations of the sex industry in the Scrapyard, in addition to pornography, but has not explicitly been shown to exist in other locations.
- In Fable: The Lost Chapters female prostitutes are found in the Darkwood Bordello. You have to pay these prostitutes for sex until you own the bordello. If you chose to keep the bordello, you can have sex with any of the prostitutes for free. In addition, if you own a complete dress and find the red wig, you can become a prostitute. This only works if you have the complete dress outfit, red wig and get hired by the Madame.
- She should not be confused with Jollyrancher82 who has a similar appearance, and was also courted by the Monarch but is in fact a different character entirely.
- Alla fine della missione "Prostitute", se Geralt sceglie di non accettare la ricompensa in denaro da Carmen, dicendo che "non è un materialista...", le ragazze si concederanno in cambio di un bouquet di fiori. Se invece accetta il denaro, riceverà solo uno sconto sul servizio di 110 Image:Items Oren.png.
- Prostitutes were individuals who engaged in sexual activity for payment. During the Age of the Empire, prostitutes and other unsavory elements like dealers and smugglers were known to inhabit the slums of Valentia, a city on the planet Jelucan.
- A prostitute, also called a whore was, typically, a female businessbeing who provided relations in what was quite possibly the oldest profession in the galaxy. Experts in their craft, a prostitute was typically paid in hard credits, often with a healthy cut taken from their pimp or madam. The more unsavory of the lot would then spend what was left over on deathsticks. It was the profession Twi'lek parents preferred to send their girls to.
- After purchasing their services, you will be temporarily insane, but resting will let you wait out the effect. They can, however, also make you sick, so keep blessed healing-type potions to cure it if you want to use their services. (Remember, they only have a chance of working, so carry a half-dozen or so to be safe.) Note that if the client doesn't have enough money to pay them, they will become hostile to the former client. They will kill a citizen but get slaughtered by the shopkeepers and named NPCs, like Noel the bomber, as soon as they stop being insane.
- A prostitute was one who trades sexual services for money or favor. In 1974, Redjac called Roberta Lincoln a prostitute as he attempted to kill her. (TOS novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1) Upon first meeting Odo Kira Nerys mistakenly thought that Odo was attempting to purchase sexual services from her, to which she remarked that she did not do that either for money or food. (DS9 episode: "Necessary Evil")
- The Prostitute is a minor character in the anime series, Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid Sousuke first sees trying to flirt with a couple of soldiers who blow her off. When she turns around, he is surprised to discover that she looks just like Kaname. The girl sees the whisky bottle in his hand an excitedly approaches him. She asks if Sousuke wants to have some fun with her, and after a long pause Sousuke finally agrees.
- A prostitute was a person hired for sex. In Kish in 2700 BC, the temple prostitutes, such as En-Gula, were priestesses of Ishtar. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Genesys) In August 79, Aglae was a prostitute in Pompeii. (AUDIO: The Fires of Vulcan) In 1782 and 1783, Lisa-Beth Lachlan was a prostitute in London. She once slept with Fitz Kreiner for fun. (PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street) Rebecca Macardle was a prostitute until 1789, at which time she became an agent of the British government. (PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street)