| - Bolívar, the Liberator of the North, and San Martín, the Liberator of the South had rushed both to Guayaquil. They both come from long battles fought to free South America from the Spanish rule, but the task is not complete. Still many places are loyalist, mostly the Peruvian mountains. Bolívar and San Martín are both ambitious leaders. Bolívar has freed New Granada, Venezuela and Quito. San Martín has done the same with Rio de La Plata, Chile and Lima. Now, the way history will develop will depend on how they agree to join efforts for that last push.
| - Bolívar, the Liberator of the North, and San Martín, the Liberator of the South had rushed both to Guayaquil. They both come from long battles fought to free South America from the Spanish rule, but the task is not complete. Still many places are loyalist, mostly the Peruvian mountains. Bolívar and San Martín are both ambitious leaders. Bolívar has freed New Granada, Venezuela and Quito. San Martín has done the same with Rio de La Plata, Chile and Lima. Now, the way history will develop will depend on how they agree to join efforts for that last push. The 26th July 1822, they finally met at Guayaquil. They interviewed in private, and they did shared later with other people what they talked in that interview. San Martín, however, wrote several years later that he was almost convinced to retire to Paris letting Bolivar march over Lima and liberate Peru. Probably history might have been different if that had happened, but we can only speculate if by those actions, Miranda's dream on a united Hispanic America might have become a reality. The fact is that, after the interview, San Martin returned to Lima, resigned as Protector of Peru, and took a boat trip back to Buenos Aires.