| - Those entrusted with the Highborn Gardens’ protection are known simply as the “Garden Guard”. Founded early on by the first kings of Granthelia, the Garden Guard’s sole duty was to keep the Highborn Garden’s residence and property in complete security. Recruited from the noble youth and more privileged families of Granthelia, the Garden Guard constitute the best trained and equipped force in the city. Stationed in the Highborn Gardens of course, they patrol and keep watch for interlopers and the occasional petty crime that occurs on its boulevards. Funded and organized by the Wrenne family, however still apolitical for all intents and purposes. However it is not unknown for the Garden Guard to see brief action as political commissars, enforcing Wrenne law wherever it is questioned in the Gardens. Despite their occasional violent and extreme actions, the Garden Guard in general sees comparatively less fighting than their lower city counterparts. However they also are not so easily corrupted and bribed, as they come from the richest families Granthelia has to offer. Their supposedly uncompromising status is coupled with a sense of complacency, as they lack the urban violence experienced by lower city guardsmen. Despite such shortcomings, they serve their purpose, and keep the gardens clean for the lordly residents.