| - The son of Dottie Mellon, Freddie provides the maintenance around the Mercury Theatre. He seems to be somewhat simple, and appears to have watched too many John Wayne movies. April Ryan meets him sweeping up on the street outside the Mercury, occasionally whacking the marquee with his broom to stop the light from going out. He knows Cortez, and has obviously been dodging questions from Frank Minelli regarding his whereabouts. When Minelli spits out the 'poisoned' candy April gives him, the sweet hits Freddie on the back of the head (he describes it as feeling like a rock: nothing but the best at the Fringe Cafe, clearly) and he chases Minelli angrily down the street with a broom, allowing April to recover the detective's hat.
| - The son of Dottie Mellon, Freddie provides the maintenance around the Mercury Theatre. He seems to be somewhat simple, and appears to have watched too many John Wayne movies. April Ryan meets him sweeping up on the street outside the Mercury, occasionally whacking the marquee with his broom to stop the light from going out. He knows Cortez, and has obviously been dodging questions from Frank Minelli regarding his whereabouts. When Minelli spits out the 'poisoned' candy April gives him, the sweet hits Freddie on the back of the head (he describes it as feeling like a rock: nothing but the best at the Fringe Cafe, clearly) and he chases Minelli angrily down the street with a broom, allowing April to recover the detective's hat. To get into the Mercury, April sets off the fire alarm, then uses some stacked rubbish in silhouette and Constable Guybrush to create a little illusion. When Freddie comes to put out the fire, he sees what appears to the shadow of a gunman on the alleyway wall. He's fooled into thinking Minelli has returned, and is taking his revenge by making Freddie do the Monkey Dance at gunpoint, allowing April to sneak past into the theatre. Happily, he's gone by the time April and Cortez return to the alleyway. According to a monologue on the original TLJ website (reproduced below) Freddie has an anger management problem, which seems to have resulted in him deliberately lighting a building fire that resulted in the deaths of many people. Despite criticism from unknown quarters, Freddie was released due to good behaviour and returned to work at the Mercury, although the scandal appears to have halted all patronage save for that of Cortez. Freddie Mellon is voiced by John Henry Cox. The original TLJ website had this intro to Freddie and the Mercury Theatre: