| - A statue of the Virgin Mary which resides in New York. Americans made the French build it for them to celebrate the The Baby Jesus's mommy. The statue celebrates the Virgin Mary, who gave birth to Jesus and founded the glorious country of America. In her hand is a Bible, and in the other is a torch she used to burn liberal infidels, bears, and non-believers. The thing on her head was originally supposed to be a Ten Gallon Hat, but the French are stupid, and gave her a spiky headband thing.
- The Statue of Liberty stands at the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor. The statue is a gift from France, dedicated in 1886 to celebrate the centennial of the United States of America. Miss Piggy has been pictured as the Statue of Liberty in many forms, including a Sigma Ceramics candlestick in the early 80's. Since that time, other such similar merchandise has been produced and she has gone on to appear as Lady Liberty in several on-screen and illustrated appearances.
| - A statue of the Virgin Mary which resides in New York. Americans made the French build it for them to celebrate the The Baby Jesus's mommy. The statue celebrates the Virgin Mary, who gave birth to Jesus and founded the glorious country of America. In her hand is a Bible, and in the other is a torch she used to burn liberal infidels, bears, and non-believers. The thing on her head was originally supposed to be a Ten Gallon Hat, but the French are stupid, and gave her a spiky headband thing. Image:Al Franken.jpg Image:AnimatedCommieFlag.gif The Statue of Liberty has earnedthe (Senator) Franken COMMUNIST-SOCIALIST-MARXIST SEAL OF APPROVAL Image:CryingBabyFace.jpg The Statue of Libertymakes the Baby Jesus cry,and should be treated with caution contempt! The Statue of Liberty is a gift from France to mark the French Revolution, not our American Revolution. Furthermore, it celebrated their Godless Jacobin Nation rather than our Godfearing Christian Nation. It bears a torch. Most notably, it is constructed by secularist socialist French. It is therefore a "Trojan Horse" to infecting Americans with socialism and communism. If we don't tear this French idol of anti-Christianity down, it may even turn us into Atheist.
- The Statue of Liberty stands at the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor. The statue is a gift from France, dedicated in 1886 to celebrate the centennial of the United States of America. Miss Piggy has been pictured as the Statue of Liberty in many forms, including a Sigma Ceramics candlestick in the early 80's. Since that time, other such similar merchandise has been produced and she has gone on to appear as Lady Liberty in several on-screen and illustrated appearances. A short comic in the Summer 1986 issue of Muppet Magazine tells the story of Lady Liberty's inspiration, Jeanne-Emilie Bartholdi as played by Miss Piggy. After cacthing a vase filled with flowers and a book titled "Theory of Flight," Bartholdi is instructed to stand in an awkward pose while a prototype is sculpted. The accompanying poster pull-out for the magazine is a photo of the result signed by Miss Piggy as "Miss Liberté." Piggy appeared on screen as the Statue at the climax of Muppet*Vision 3D's closing number. She forms the centerpiece of the fountain outside the Muppet*Vision theater in Walt Disney World, and a number of Piggy items sold at the theme park have featured her in the Statue of Liberty costume. The real Statue of Liberty appears in a MasterCard commercial with the Muppets, shot on location in New York, and had previously been seen with Kermit and Piggy in promotional material for The Muppets Take Manhattan. __TOC__