| - The Severus is one of the most dangerous ships in the galaxy. Designed by Kuat Systems Engineering for the Cylon Imperium it is described as a "ship killer." Using many state of the art technologies, KSE managed to create a vessel that Empress Eve found to be extremely impressive. Because KSE shipyards are not equipped to manufacture vessels of such magnitude, they only designed the Severus, Cylon Imperial Shipyards built it. It was an extremely time consuming and expensive vessel to create. Therefore the Cylon Imperium has only built a few, the Severus, however, was the first of these vessels. This vessel was later stolen by the Dark Jedi Sion. When he became the powerful Sith Lord Darth Terris, the Severus became the flagship of his order.
- Severus es el perro de tres cabezas de hades Su tercera cabeza parece un caniche. Puro Hueso lo puede llamar mediante un silbato muy peculiar. Mandy fue su ama durante un tiempo. En un episodio, Severus se enamora de la perrita de Mindy y tienen un cachorro. Categoría:Personajes Categoría:Monstruos
- Decanus Severus is Aurelius of Phoenix's second-in-command, living in Cottonwood Cove in 2281.
- Severus es un miembro de la Legión de César, ubicado en Cottonwood Cove en 2281. Severus aparece en Fallout: New Vegas.
- Decanus Severus ist ein Decanus, der 2281 in Cottonwood Cove lebt.
- Severus é o sumo-sacerdote de Hyninn, o deus da trapaça, e um dos três chefões do crime da Parte Velha de Triunphus. Líder da Guilda de Severus, no pacto feito com os outros dois chefões - Madame Stefania e Gnaeus - lhe coube a área dos assaltos e contrabando de itens mágicos proibidos para administrar.
- Severus est une planète tellurique terraformée qui a servie comme centre d'opérations pour le système, bien que ce statut éminemment militaire lui fut lentement retiré quand les tensions se furent calmées après l'ère Messer. Severus n'attire que difficilement les colons et les affaires dans ce système auparavant fortifié, mais a pu apprécier une explosion démographique après la récente reconnaissance Impériale.
- Severus est le coeur de la puissance Decados, une planète chaude, sombre et humide, à l'exception de ses régions polaires, qui sont tempérées, encore plus sombres, plus humides, et couvertes d'un brouillard permanent. Des océans chauds à la vie florissante couvrent plus de 80% de la surface de la planète composée par ailleurs de trois continents (Carpathia, Leshiy, Rhodesland)ainsi que les îles de l'Archipel de Voydanoy. La majeure partie des terres sont couvertes de jungles anciennes et profondes, même si l'on trouve également des plaines herbeuses dans le nord de Varangia, dans la région Leshyite du Transvaal et le long de la côte occidentale du Rhodesland. La faible inclinaison de la planète (inférieure à 15°)n'autorise que des variations saisonnières minimes. Et si l'essentiel de Sever
- Severus joined Cyber Nations in December 2006. He first joined the Frontline Formation Coalition where he served as Minister of Defense and then Prime Minister. During his time in the FFC, he fought multiple wars, including the Darkfall Offensive. Then, in January 2008, he decided to leave the FCC and join the New Pacific Order. This realization that he would be better suited in an alliance like the NPO came suddenly. Sev knew someone in the NPO, so he decided to contact him and see what his friend thought. His friend agreed that it was time for Sev to come to his new home. He explained to him what Pacifica was about and it fit his personality completely.
- Discovered in 2610, this world was sold to House Gloucester by discovering the corporation without any warning of any of the planet's dangers. The world possessed vast mineral wealth, but also hull rats and ascorbites (who were not intitially viewed as sentient for over 150 years). House Decados was founded on Severus in 2818 as heir to House Gloucestor. The world today is a major mercantile power in the Empire, with a sophisticated and saavy population, even among the serfs. Everyone follows politics and entertainment news, but are generally apathetic to events on other worlds.