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- Penumbra – sportowe, dwudrzwiowe coupé występujące w Grand Theft Auto V. Jest produkowana przez Maibatsu Corporation. Przyspieszenie nie jest dobre, jednak nadrabia to prędkość maksymalna. Hamulce także są zadowalające. Jest napędzana silnikiem V6. Przypomina w głównej mierze Mitsubishi Eclipse, choć zawiera także elementy Audi TT. Ma podobne osiągi co Elegy RH8.
- Former crook and ex-convict turned detective. This belatedly recruited Autobot works both the lab and the streets to get to the truth. With an easy-going style and a charming smile, Penumbra looks for the best qualities in everyone. He has a thrill seeking streak in him which sometimes overshoots his abilities, but failure doesn't discourage him to keep going. In vehicle mode, he becomes a sleek and fast Bugatti Veyron sports car, capable of reaching Mach 1. Not much of a warrior, in robot mode he is armed with only a simple laser pistol and a rapier sword.
- Worf is presumed dead in a battle with the Jem'Hadar near the Badlands and Ezri commandeers a runabout to search for him; Sisko proposes to Kasidy, leading to a warning from the Prophets; Dukat enlists Damar's help to have his appearance altered to that of a Bajoran.
- Położenie: Fifth Avenue & Yesler Way, #: (52-1379) Właściciel: Jacob Hokama : Klub Penumbra to jeden z najstarszych i najbardziej legendarnych klubów w mieście. Od dwudziestu lat wystrój pozostaje niezmieniony: ta sama scena z podłogą wyobrażającą księżyc, pokryte gwiazdami ściany, oraz (wciąż najlepszej jakości) efekty laserowe oraz trideo. >>>>>[I tak właśnie lubią stali bywalcy, spośród nich wielu to shadowrunnerzy.]<<<<<
- The Maibatsu Penumbra is a two-door coupé/sports car in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.
- Ella es una joven asesina que se enamoró de Bruce Wayne durante su entrenamiento para convertirse en Batman.
- Badlands; Bajoran wormgat; bloedwijn; Boday; Bolian; communicator; Dax, Jadzia; Devos II; duranium; gallamite; Goralis III; Goralis systeem; hecapate; ketracel-wit; Rakantha provincie; Rotarran, IKS; Sirella; Son'a; veld straling; Ya'Vang, IKS; Yolja rivier; Zesde vloot.
- Penumbra appears in Telepath RPG Chapter 2.
- Penumbra es la muestra de ADN de un Anurian del Planeta Anur Ormerow dentro del Omnitrix.
- Penumbra is a story written by User:MatoranIrik, which takes place on the island of Kovokha Nui.
- El Penumbra es un automóvil, tipo coupe deportivo de dos puertas, que aparece en Grand Theft Auto V. Es fabricado por Maibatsu Corporation.
- "Penumbra" is the seventeenth chapter of Cycle 1. See also List of Intersections Cycles
- These worlds are very dark, but often lit up with bioluminescent plant life. However, bringing a flashlight and some lights or torches is very recommended. The surface is often comprised of void dirt, a dark easily mined substance that proves useful when extracted from. It's also common to find black tar here, both on the surface and underground. What you will not find much of is light. It exists, but in small quantity. These planets are almost oppressively dark, and can often be identified on the star map just by looking for planets using black and other dark colors.
- Penumbra was a modified shieldship that was owned by the Sullustan crimelord, Neen Niuv. He used it to escort guests and captured guests to his secret base inside a deserted mining facility in Hutt Space. It was fitted with lavish guest accommodation and also housed eight I-7 Howlrunners, which were used to defend it. Due to his paranoia, Niuv would often disguise himself as the ship's pilot and fly it himself, as he didn't trust the crew. He also secretly fitted it with a hyperdrive, which only he had the security codes to activate.
- April wakes up in her room in Venice's Border House, disorientated and complaining about her nightmares. But she has more important things to think about. April is a student at VAVA, and she has an art project due by next Thursday... an art project she's hardly even started yet. She decides to go to work on it. She gets changed and leaves, running into her neighbour, Zack Lee, who she dislikes. He tries asking her out; April demurs, and Zack laughs at her, saying he's not going to wait around for her to come to her senses. Once he goes back into his room, she mutters: "What an asshole."
- A Penumbra is a spirit world which is linked to a physical world and separates the two with the use of a gauntlet. While a spirit world can appear identical to its material counterpart, it's (usually) twisted through the lens of concept, metaphor, and point of view. Usually, you have to step through the Penumbra in order to reach the respective Umbral realm. Celestial bodies, such as the moon, Venus or Mars, have their own respective Penumbra. There are at least five known Penumbras, more are speculated to exist:
- In längst vergangenen Tagen, gab es in Panumbra Leben im Überfluss und in allen Variationen. Es gab dort riesige dichte Wälder mit gigantischen Bäumen, die fast schneller wuchsen, als man sie fällen konnte. Die Erde selbst biegt und wölbt sich von Jahr zu Jahr an anderen Stellen, je nachdem wo die Bäume ihre Wurzeln bilden und die Flüsse, die aus dem bergigen Norden kommen passen sich in ihrem Bett der ständig ändernden Landschaft an. Die Katastrophe traf Penumbra mitten im Sommer: Dunkelheit kroch über das Land und der Winter kam; endlos und das Land in seiner Blüte erstarren lassend und so blieb es für die nächsten Jahrtausende. Aber trotzdem versucht das Leben sich an manchen Stellen zurück in die Welt des ewigen Eises zurückzukämpfen. Es gibt zwei Hauptnotumadern in Penumbra, die obw
- ¿Adónde estaba? No lo sabía. ¿Cómo llegó allí? Ni idea. Oscuridad, era todo lo que había en ese lugar. Caminaba desesperadamente. No podía ver nada, solo la negrura de las tinieblas que la envolvían. No recordaba nada. Lo pensó por un rato, y descubrió que ni siquiera recordaba su propio nombre. Lo único de lo que estaba segura era de que debía salir de allí. ¿Pero cómo? La oscuridad parecía infinita, ni siquiera se podía distinguir si había paredes y mucho menos una puerta. Y tampoco se oía sonido alguno. ¿Estaba muerta? ¿Esto era el infierno? ¿Qué había hecho para merecer esto?
- {| style="width:100%; background:#2a2a31; color:white; font-family:'Roboto';" |- |rowspan=4 style="width:150px;"|File:Panel.png |rowspan=4 style="width:60px;text-align:center;"|File:Panel.pngENERGYN/AKEYN/A |rowspan=4|PenumbraNo description availible. |width=30% style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Strength:N/A |- |style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Duration:N/A |- | style="padding-right: 6px;" |Range:N/A |} |} |}
- Penumbra is a powerful mage and seer of gypsy descent in Moonglow. She is the daughter of Zoltan's and sister of Karina, although it is not explicit as to how many parents they share. The Avatar first encountered her in Ultima VI. She had been living with Beyvin, the recently deceased keeper of the Rune of Honesty, and when questioned she revealed that he was buried with the Rune. Despite being a clever performer in her divination (requiring more and more gold to continue), the visions she claimed to see in her crystal ball gave genuine insight into the Avatar's imminent adventure to the gargoyle homeland and the hero's subsequent quest for the two lenses.