| - A guildhall is a building designed to be shared by an entire guild. Guildhalls are often used as a place to meet, hang out and have fun with other members. Access to a guildhall is granted by the guild leader, who may invite anyone to the guildhall, including non-members and members of warring guilds. In order to maintain a guildhall, the leader must be premium. This may be not intuitive because guilds can subsist on 4 vices, but the leader need not be one of them. The leader must also pay a fixed rent for that specific guildhall every 30 days starting at the time of purchase. After Updates/10.7 this amount can be debited from the Guild Bank account (?). Guild leaders often have their guild members pay a part of the rent in exchange for their own room in the guildhall. If the guild leader loses the guild, the items stored in the guildhall will be moved to the guild owner's inbox, even if they were stored in a member's room. If the guild member is deleted for rule violations, the guildhall will become inaccessible by all members and the items unrecoverable. A significant problem with guildhalls is that the leader cannot restrict tiles to a certain group of players. The manual incorrectly states that guild leaders can make areas inaccessible. Guild leaders can, however, give exclusive rights to open/close a door. It is the responsibility of that group of players not to let anyone else in. Although anyone can be invited, the standard house mechanics apply. The house rights and spells to modify them are the same for houses. Only premium accounts can sleep in guildhall Beds. These days, each guildhall contain one depot chest. This is the same personal depot as the city the guildhall is situated in. A very convenient addition to guildhalls due to the fact that they often are found outside cities or far from depots. Guild leaders may own a private house in addition to a guildhall on the same server.