| - class
- Following completion of Swept Away, she can upgrade the broomstick to teleport directly to the Garden.
- Apprentice is an Occupation normally listed under Other Crew. If the credits directly indicate it, then it might also be listed under Sound Department or Visual Effects.
- An apprentice is the lowest rank of Craftsman. An apprentice is one who is learning the craft. They are often subdivided by the number of years of study. An apprentice is subject to the authority of a journeyman or master, who instructs him. An apprentice is not considered capable of independent work, but may, with a master's approval, sell their products, in those crafts that produce items. Generally speaking, an apprenticeship lasts 4 or more years, the exact term depending on the Craft and the individual apprentice. Most apprentices eventually make it to journeyman status, and many remain at that level.
- Apprentice is a quest guardian for Wizards. This page is a . You could probably [ expand this page] should you wish to do so.
- Apprentice is the beginning stage of a profession learned at the appropriate profession trainer when your character has reached at least level 5. Profession skill levels fall into ten stages of increasing ability to learn and execute recipes: Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, Artisan, Master (), Grand Master (), Illustrious (), Zen Master (), Draenor Master (), and Legion Master ().
- Apprentice is a suffix that can appear on Magic and Rare Items. It provides a small increase to Cast Rate. It doesn't start spawning on items until Item Level 5. This does not apply to combat but instead only those skills that use a Cast animation. An example of this would be Fire Bolt or Inner Sight. Faster Cast Rate items can stack.
- Apprentice is a rank within the Alchemist's Guild. It is the lowest status for members of the order. Apprentices eventually move to the next level, Acolyte. They are tasked with transporting jars of wildfire to secure storage after it the Substance's preparation by Acolytes.
- Apprentice is a basic, "Little Kid" rank of O4B
- Apprentices, also called Snifit Cadets, are enemies that appear in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. They are minions of Booster and they are mainly faught at Booster Pass. They are a subspecies of Spookums.
- Az 'Apprentice, Inas egy hivatásnak profession a kezdő szintje, amit megtanulhatsz a megfelelő hivatásedzőnél trainer, amikor a karaktered minimum a 5-ös szintet eléri. A hivatáskészség-szintek hat szintre vannak osztva, hogy képességet ability növeljenek, hogy recepteket recipes készíthessenek és megtanulják őket : Inas Apprentice, szakmunkás Journeyman, szakértő Expert, kézműves Artisan, mester Master (World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade|link=World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade) (World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade), és nagymester Grand Master (World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King|link=World of Warcraft: Wrath of Lich King) (World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King).
- Joe Djerk was an apprentice of the Sorcerer,the most powerful magician in Venice during the 1500s.The villainous Borgia wanted revenge on the Sorcerer and his Apprentice for refusing his request to make him invisible. However the Sorcerer outsmarts him and the Apprentice got lucky.
- This is a Prefix Title earned by gaining 10,000 (amiable) faction with the The Watchers of Timorous in Gorowyn. To set a title: 1.
* Press C to open the Character window 2.
* Click on the Options tab. Locate the drop down arrow that allows you to choose this title or any others you may have earned To see your title, press F1 on your keyboard. Doing so selects your charcater and allows you to see the full name, all titles, and (if you have joined one) the guild tag your character has floating above your head when others meet you.
- An apprentice was an individual who had been taught and mentored by a master of a certain skill. In Alagaësia, some magicians took apprentices to teach them about the ways of magic. Eragon was Oromis' apprentice, Murtagh was Galbatorix's apprentice, and so on.
- Apprentice is one of the many role-playing subclasses in Elder Tale.
- Apprentice is a rank unique to the Forest Clans. Apprentices train to become warriors.
- Apprentice was the apprentice of Evil Guy #1 in The Adventures of Tom III.
- Image:Talent bronze.png Apprentice is a bronze level attribute found in all the signs and usually references proficiency in distance casting. Image:Bullet Aard.png Aard attribute Image:Bullet Axii.png Axii attribute Image:Bullet Igni.png Igni attribute Image:Bullet Quen.png Quen attribute Image:Bullet Yrden.png Yrden attribute
- NPC Name: Apprentice Location: Weapon Store in Welling Village
- Apprentice summoner Yocun set off on her journey with her guardians Barton and Silva by her side, but she must first suffer through an embarrassing procession of Crusaders as well as a sinspawn attack and the bothersome Maldus.
- Thr Sentinel of Magic Apprentice appears in Metropolis as a helper to player character with the power set in Magic and Sorcery.
- There are many trades requiring apprentices, but the most recurring is a Wizard's apprentice:
- Apprentice is the beginning stage of a profession learned at the appropriate profession trainer when your character has reached at least level 5. Profession skill levels fall into six stages of increasing ability to learn and execute recipes: Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, Artisan, Master (Image:Bc icon.gif), and Grand Master (Image:Wrath-Logo-Small.PNG).
- Apprentices were people who trained under other people. They were expected to serve as their slave, doing all their chores for them, in exchange for some "knowledge". Jedi called their apprentices Padawans, and almost never referring to them by name, instead simply calling them "my Padawan learner". This pissed off quite a few "Padawans" and forced them to seek the Dark Side of the Force, where instead they would be given a new name: Darth. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.
- Apprentices are Clan cats six moons or older, training to be a warrior (or sometimes a medicine cat) under a mentor. All apprentices' names end with the suffix "-paw" (i.e., Lionpaw, Breezepaw, Leafpaw) which symbolizes the path their paws are on, until they receive their warrior name. Most apprentices just have the suffix "-kit" taken off their name and replaced with "-paw", but in special cases, their name completely changes (i.e., Hopkit). An apprentice becomes a warrior once their mentor or Clan leader thinks they have learned enough.
- Apprentice (renamed Pestilence later) is a basement cat minion and a antagonist in Lolcats The Sequel and Lolcats The Prequel. She is voiced by Jen Ledger She occupies as the spy of The Four Lolcats of The Apocalypse. NA
- An apprentice was a novice working in a field to gain experience and skills, in a time called apprenticeship. On the Ba'ku planet, an apprenticeship could take up to thirty or forty years. (Star Trek: Insurrection) Quark served as an apprentice when he was young, working for a sub-nagus, an experience he ruined by failing to abide by Rule of Acquisition number 112, "Never have sex with the boss's sister." (DS9: "Playing God") In 2369, Keiko O'Brien described Ferengi education as "a work-study approach, with apprenticeships in a wide range of business and economic fields". (DS9: "A Man Alone")
- The Apprentice (アプレンティス Apurentisu) (also known as Starkiller, real name Galen Marek) is a Sith Warrior, the secret apprentice to Sith Lord Darth Vader. He appears as a guest character on both home versions of Soulcalibur IV, along with the console exclusive characters: his Master, Vader, and Jedi Grand Master Yoda. The Apprentice is the main character of the Star Wars video game, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and his presence in Soulcalibur IV was revealed in the trailer on June 6. Like the other Star Wars characters, he can utilize the power of the Force to gain the upper hand in battle.
- An Apprentice is a trainee in one of the medieval disciplines in Araluen. Apprentices are usually fifteen when they are chosen, the apprenticeship chosen is usually influenced by their parents as the wards have no such influence -they are chosen on Choosing day, something which is often viewed with nervousness. There are several different craftmasters in each fief who the teenagers can become apprenticed to they are usually: If somehow a ward is not chosen or accepted into the field of their choice, they have to work on a farm.
- An Apprentice is a rank on Halo 3 multiplayer. Apprentices are like normal Recruits, except they have survived at least a minute in a battlefield or seen some action. Though, it doesn't necessarily mean someone has to see bullets fly past him and wet their pants to be an apprentice. You only need to be near a battle zone and say you killed something when the officers come around. Simple as that. But not so simple when you are an apprentice.
- Adept jest najniższym stadium zaawansowania w profesji, które można osiągnąć poprzez naukę u odpowiedniego nauczyciela, gdzy postać osiągnie 5 poziom. Dodatkowe informacje:
* Na początku można zdobywać kolejne poziomy zaawansowania aż do poziomu 75. Dalsze zdobywanie zaawansowania nie będzie się odbywało, dopóki gracz nie wyszkoli się w stadium Czeladnika.
* Aby rozpocząć szkolenie się w profesji pierwszorzędnej (górnictwo, kowalstwo, inżynieria, zielarstwo, alchemia, krawiectwo, skórowanie, obrabianie skór, zaklinanie, Image:Bc icon.gif Image:Bc icon.gif jubilerstwo, Image:Wrath-Logo-Small.pnginskrypcja) postać musi posiadać co najmniej 5 poziom doświadczenia. Profesje drugorzędne (gotowanie, rybołówstwo, pierwsza pomoc) nie posiadają minimalnego poziomu do nauki. Wyjątkiem jest tut
- An Apprentice is a student who studies the ways of the Heroes at the Heroes' Guild. These Heroes-in-training are overseen by The Guildmaster, Acolytes and other Heroes, while a select few are mentored by Maze. Although they train constantly in the fields of Skill, Will and Strength, as well as study academically, there are many who do not possess the mental or physical strength to graduate. This labels them unable to become full-fledged Heroes.