| - Joel var den viktigaste kompositören på TV-serien Stargate SG-1, men de viktigaste titlarna skrevs av David Arnold, som består vem poäng till Stargate av filmen. På Stargate Atlantis han komponerade de viktigaste titlarna och serien. Under 2006 Joel komponerade även musiken till TV-spelet, Call of Duty 3, som var hans första steg in TV-spelet scenen. 2012. Joel avled söndagen den 29 april. (På söndag och den 29 som Don S. Davis, vilken tillfällighet)
- Joel was the main composer on the TV series Stargate SG-1. However, the main titles were written by David Arnold, who composed the score to Stargate film. On Stargate: Atlantis he composed the main titles and the series. In 2006, Joel also composed the music to the video game, Call of Duty 3, which was his first move into the video game scene. Goldsmith died of cancer on April 29, 2012, aged 54, at his home in Hidden Hills, California. His interment was at Forest Lawn - Hollywood Hills Cemetery.
- right|thumb|200px|Joel Goldsmith 19/11/1957 - Los Angeles, California (Estados Unidos) * Fallecido 29/04/2012 Uno de los 6 hijos de Jerry Goldsmith
- Joel Goldsmith is a powerful Mage, a Kami born to the Royal Goldsmith Family, one of the five families that makes up the Royal Family. His father was Hashirama Goldsmith and his grandfather was Shoyo Goldsmith, also known as Shoyo Tabinin, two of the Founding Kami. His whole life he's been a Kido Prodigy, known as the greatest Kido user that the Soul Society has ever seen, even greater than the creator of Hado and Bakudo, Ichibei Hyosube, and the creator of Iyashido. In the past he had a grandmastery in Hoho, Zanjutsu, and Hakuda as well, having the greatest Zankenoski techniques than any other member of the original Gotei 13, but after awhile he decided to subdue much of the training in Hakuda, Hoho, and Zanjutsu, dropping his Hoho level to mastery, and his Hakuda and Zanjutsu level to