A list of the 22 Main Characters of the Happy Tree Friends series.
The following is a list of the main eight characters of El Goonish Shive. Ellen.gif|Ellen|link=Ellen Elliot.gif|Elliot|link=Elliot Grace.gif|Grace|link=Grace Justin.gif|Justin|link=Justin Nanase.gif|Nanase|link=Nanase Sarah.gif|Sarah|link=Sarah Susan.gif|Susan|link=Susan Tedd.gif|Tedd|link=Tedd
A list of the 22 Main Characters of the Happy Tree Friends series.
The following is a list of the main eight characters of El Goonish Shive. Ellen.gif|Ellen|link=Ellen Elliot.gif|Elliot|link=Elliot Grace.gif|Grace|link=Grace Justin.gif|Justin|link=Justin Nanase.gif|Nanase|link=Nanase Sarah.gif|Sarah|link=Sarah Susan.gif|Susan|link=Susan Tedd.gif|Tedd|link=Tedd