| - In the White House, Secret Service agents scramble to locate and ascertain the condition of Pete Ross, as Lex Luthor has disappeared. In the event that he doesn't return shortly, Ross will be sworn in as President.
In a large room on a large island, Lex Luthor lights a cigar and waits gleefully for Superman. The said hero arrives almost on cue. Luthor introduces Superman to his "Island of Solitude", and then promptly tells Superman that he will have it destroyed before he can return later to confiscate or gather evidence against him. Superman asks Luthor if he knows the secret of his identity. Luthor replies in the affirmative, but insists that he is not behind the attacks. Luthor says that he is not using the knowledge of Superman's secret identity against him because he loves Lois, and also because he feels that things are changing in the way that Superman and Lex Luthor relate. An explosion rocks the chamber, and Luthor is knocked off of his feet. Superman protects him, knocking debris aside. Luthor chides Superman for having saved his life.
The Elite have arrived. When Hat sees Superman, he takes off screaming. Menagerie attacks, all the while saying that she isn't the one behind her actions. Her compatriot, Coldcast, tells her that Superman can't help them, and attacks. Menagerie collapses with a stroke, at Manchester Black's telepathic command. Manchester himself is not on hand.
Superman follows Hat as Coldcast collapses, and Hat leads Supeman to Bunny. It's an intergalactic prison, and as Superman roams through it he realizes it is also the home of the consciousness of the Cyborg Superman. The Cyborg has been promised Superman's life if he kills him. Cyborg makes Bunny larger and larger, trapping Superman in an infinite loop.
Superman then flies around, bashing into everything on the ship, and the ship breaks down, trapping the Cyborg in a prison. Superman then states to Manchester he is coming for him.